A letter was sent to each qldwater member along with other water service providers on 24 May outlining the proposed “Queensland Water Skills Partnership.”
The partnership is a new initiative to be established to address critical skills needs facing the urban water industry in Queensland. It extends the work undertaken through the Water Skills Formation Strategy (SFS) which commenced in late 2009 supported by the Department of Education and Training. The proposal to water service providers seeks interest in:
qldwater, is, on behalf of the partnership lodging an expression of interest to Skills Queensland under the Strategic Investment Fund seeking additional support for this work. One of the key criteria is the capacity to attract direct industry investment.
We are grateful for members’ ongoing support for these sorts of initiatives and have received a number of positive responses already. If your organisation is intending to participate but you haven’t had the chance to formally reply, please advise Dave Cameron (07 3000 2257 or dcameron@qldwater.com.au.