Survey on Health Based Targets for Microbial Safety in ADWG

Survey on Health Based Targets for Microbial Safety in ADWG

Survey on Health Based Targets for Microbial Safety in ADWG
Date: 29-Jun-2017

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is responsible for developing evidence-based health advice for the Australian community, health professionals and governments. The Water Quality Advisory Committee (WQAC) provides expert advice to NHMRC on public health issues related to drinking water quality. The major role of WQAC is the rolling review of the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG).

The WQAC has developed a stakeholder discussion paper on the possible introduction of health-based targets for microbial safety (HBTs) in the ADWG and NHMRC is seeking your input on this important aspect of drinking water safety. The aim of the paper is to outline issues associated with HBTs within an Australian context and pose questions regarding the possible options and impacts.

This scoping exercise is in the form of a survey, which will accompany the stakeholder discussion paper, and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Targeted input is being sought from water utilities, water associations and directorates, water regulators, health agencies, local governments, and water research organisations.

It is anticipated that the survey will take place from July 2014. The survey and analysis of results will be conducted by an external contractor, ORIMA Research. By opting to participate in the survey, you are providing your agreement for NHMRC to forward your contact details to ORIMA Research who will contact you directly to distribute the stakeholder discussion paper and survey.

To register your interest in participating in the survey, please email (  If you are a Queensland Water Directorate member intending to complete this survey please advise

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