SWIM 2015/16 annual water and sewerage data due date

SWIM 2015/16 annual water and sewerage data due date

SWIM 2015/16 annual water and sewerage data due date
Date: 29-Jun-2017

All Water Service Providers in Queensland have been asked to collate and submit their annual 2015-16 water and sewerage data. SWIM is the main method for Queensland Water Service Providers to submit their annual water data to the Queensland Government (DEWS KPIs), ABS, BoM and NPR. Approximately 85% of Service Providers have historically reported their data through SWIM, which is not only providing valuable information to the State and Federal Governments, but also back to you in the form of the qldwater Benchmarking report.

Important dates:

All data, for all service providers, is required by: 1st October

Data for DEWS mandatory KPIs may be revised up until the end of November.


SWIM was developed by qldwater, on behalf of Water Service Providers, to simplify the task of water data reporting. With your support and use of SWIM, we can continue to encourage government water data reporting to be rationalised and streamlined. We urge you to submit your annual water data through SWIM on time to avoid the possibility of PINS being issued by DEWS.  A full lodgement timetable is available at https://www.dews.qld.gov.au/water/regulation/performance.

Please contact David Scheltinga if you have any queries regarding your SWIM reporting – we appreciate reporting can be a complicated task and are happy to assist you in any way we can (dscheltinga@qldwater.com.au or 0415 881 195).

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