We are trialling a new process where information on matters discussed by our technical group (TRG) is disseminated more broadly. Within a couple of weeks of each TRG meeting (held every 2 months), we will distribute a simple list of topics via e-flash, and a brief summary of the discussions along with contacts for more information will be available to members on our web site. Feedback on this process would be most welcome.
Please note, when dealing with new policy, legislation and other matters, information can become out of date very quickly. qldwater is happy to provide current information on any topics.
The topics discussed in Brisbane on 10 February included:
Fireflow Pressures
ERA 63
Total Water Quality Management Plans
Queensland Water Regional Alliance Program
Pre-Election Policy Briefings
Property Service Issue – Water Meters
Trade Waste
Load Based Licensing
Communications, Marketing, Water Connections Tour and Taste Test
Letter from New Chair and Deputy Chair to all qldwater Members
Format of TRG Meetings and other Communication with Members including following disasters
Recycled Water Management Plans Simplification
Joint Procurement Opportunities
Fluoride Training Program – Industry-wide tender process
Feedback from WIOA training trial and Supervisors workshop in Biloela 8/9 Feb
National Potable Treatment Operators Certification Scheme
The summary information is available by clicking following the link at the TRG page http://www.qldwater.com.au/TRG and entering your qldwater username and password.
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