The Department of Energy and Water Supply (DEWS) Office of the Water Supply Regulator (OWSR) has requested that members are made aware of a newly published policy concerning the use of field test kits for drinking water compliance monitoring. The policy confirms what has essentially been established practice for some time; that is where water service providers can demonstrate that they have logistical difficulties complying with the E. coli monitoring requirements stipulated under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008, methods such as commercially available field tests may be acceptable. The policy is available here and includes requirements for regular validation of results.
We have also sought clarification on the department’s position in relation to the use of these kits for recycled water testing and have been advised that a policy is currently being drafted. In brief:
- The department suggests that there are limitations on the suitability of commercial testing kits for detection of E. coli in effluent/wastewater.
- The quality of recycled water produced by a scheme in part determines if ‘in house’ testing using commercial testing kits can be undertaken for the purpose of final water quality monitoring:
Should a Recycled Water Provider wish to use commercial E. coli testing kits for validation monitoring, they are advised to contact OWSR on 07 3247 0399 to discuss this further in all instances.
qldwater's Water Quality (E. coli) fact sheet is available for download here. Over the coming weeks we are looking to post details on our web site of available laboratory services including those offered by other water service providers.
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