Water Research Australia have kindly provided three Fact Sheets to qldwater, which are now available on our website http://www.qldwater.com.au/factsheets_reports or on the following links:
Health-Based Targets for Microbial Safety of Drinking Water
Health-Based Targets for the Microbial Safety of Drinking Water: Stakeholder viewpoints
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs): What are they and how are they used?
Pathogenic micro-organisms (pathogens) in source waters present a challenge for those tasked with providing safe drinking water. Water quality managers and treatment plant operators work hard to ensure that water supplied to consumers is pathogen-free. To achieve this, they are guided by the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, although advice from the ADWG on this issue could be improved. One proposal being considered is the introduction of health based targets (HBTs) for microbial safety of drinking water. The three Water Research Australia Fact Sheets provide a brief explanation of HBTs and some rationale for their introduction into the ADWG.
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