Bye-bye BC Hello Treepl

Bye-bye BC Hello Treepl

Bye-bye BC Hello Treepl
Date: 05-Aug-2020

After a lengthy and painful process, we have finally kissed our old Business Catalyst site goodbye and entered a new era of web hosting with a startup called Treepl. The move was prompted by Adobe announcing the End of Life for BC, forcing the mass migration of thousands of sites. 

The process was onerous with more than 2,800 documents in our resource library all classified and assigned to different secure zones, and many hiccups along the way. It did, however, offer a great opportunity to refine and improve our resource library while also improving the look and feel of the site. 

Members will need to change their passwords when logging in to the new site for the first time – click on this link or from the Member Log In button on the home page, click the Forgot password? link – see screenshot below:


We also profusely apologise for the sometimes painful experience with the eCaptcha on login forms – we have found it to be quite painful at times but it is mandatory to protect the server from attacks. If you’re like some of us and your eyesight is letting you down, you can refresh the pictures and request different pics – see screenshot below:

So what’s new?

Our resource library continues to grow. This week we’ve added a range of tender documents including:

  • emergency pond pump station installations at Boyne Island
  • research, development and innovation priorities for the Queensland Water Monitoring Network
  • water meter renewal program in the South Burnett region
  • reservoirs upgrades in Goondiwindi
  • material testing services in Gladstone
  • sewerage pump station odour control, also in Gladstone.

We’ve also been expanding our career resources and we embed the video recordings of our Essentials Webinar series after each event. 

Let us know if you find any missing links as we aim to make our website the go-to resource for our members – you are, after all, the reason we exist! 

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