eFlash #438

eFlash #438

eFlash #438
Date: 10-Jun-2020

Comms down for a couple of days

To qldwater members and stakeholders:

  • The movers arrive tomorrow to shift equipment to the new offices we will be sharing with the rest of IPWEAQ – Level 1, 6 Eagleview Place, Eagle Farm.
  • We expect our first day there to be this Friday, working off-site tomorrow (Thursday).
  • Our server will be offline for a period from tomorrow morning, meaning we won’t be getting emails until later in the afternoon (fingers crossed). Our landlines will be forwarded to respective mobiles, but please bear with us if there are any issues and contact me on 0407 761 991 if you run into problems.
  • There will be no weekly eflash this Friday.

Essentials webinar 18 June reminder

Note there will be no event tomorrow (11 June). The next event will be on Thursday 18 June at 10am with the following speakers:

Prabhu Krishnasamy , Unitywater

“High-tech tools for high risk condition assessments”

Prabhu will provide an overview of a range of innovative technologies trialled by Unitywater in the interests of improving asset management and informing maintenance and renewal programs.

Daniel Muir, Urban Utilities

“Smart linings CRC learnings”

Urban Utilities is a partner in the WSAA led CRC-P activity, Smart Linings for Pipe and Infrastructure and Daniel will provide an update on both the overall program and the trials Urban Utilities has been undertaking.  While sewer relining is commonplace throughout our sector, there is strong broader industry interest in the potential for these technologies in water networks.

Register for this event here. It would be advisable to test your connection, video and audio prior to the event, if you haven’t participated before.  For more detailed instructions, click here.


Dave Cameron

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