eFlash #440

eFlash #440

eFlash #440
Date: 23-Jun-2020

In this edition: Essentials webinars | Dr Steve Hrudey keynote presentation at WIOA virtual conference open to qldwater members | Event update for 2020 including Annual Forum | Discussion draft – Rationalising the Water Quality Monitoring Program for WSPs | Offers sought for near new MBR equipment – Logan City Council, Affiliated Organisations’ Announcements

Essentials webinars

Our 11th online “essentials” networking event happened yesterday, with a big turnout of over 80. 

Managing PFAS in biosolids at the City of Gold Coast - Kelly Hopewell, City of Gold Coast 

PFAS emerged as an issue for water and sewerage providers quite suddenly in 2016 with the issuing of the draft end of waste code by the Department of Environment and Science, which included a limit for biosolids of 0.39 Total Organic Fluorine. Since then two versions of the so called "bible for PFAS", the PFAS National Environmental Management Plan (NEMP) document have been released with the latest NEMP 2.0 issued in May this year. It is clear that PFAS is no longer an "emerging contaminant." Kelly is developing a framework for the management of PFAS for the City of Gold Coast. In her presentation she provides a summary of PFAS including its chemistry, health effects and the current guidelines, with examples from the scientific literature and CoGC sampling to put the guidelines into context.

CTV and Asset Data Management at Gladstone Regional Council - Neels Kloppers, Gladstone Regional Council 

Due to technical difficulties Neels’ presentation will need to be rescheduled to 23 July.

The recording and presentation from this webinar is now available at: https://qldwater.com.au/essentials-webinar-series


There will be no webinars scheduled for the next few weeks due to school holidays. Plans are still being finalised but we expect to return on 23 July with a session to include the qldwater Productivity Commission Inquiry submission and Neels Kloppers’ rescheduled presentation.

Dr Steve Hrudey keynote presentation at WIOA virtual conference open to qldwater members

In the absence of opportunities for face to face events, WIOA is excited to announce our virtual conference and expo platform - Virtual Water.

Virtual Water is a highly interactive, 3-D virtual environment featuring video-streamed presentations with live Q&A and interaction with product and service providers on the expo floor.

qldwater is sponsoring the Keynote presenter on Day 1 on 22 July, internationally renowned researcher, educator, communicator, author and a tireless advocate for scientific excellence and safe drinking water, Dr Steve Hrudey from Canada.

Steve has a strong commitment to empower all those who operate and oversee water systems. Advocating the need for education, effective regulation and monitoring, and the need for operators to “know their own systems” for all potential risks to safe drinking water.

All qldwater members will have free access to this day as well as the second live day conducted by the Intelligent Water Networks on July 29. WIOA will be having a number of other days of a range of technical sessions that would also be of interest that will be FREE to WIOA members. The expo will be FREE for all of 2020 but all members will need to register for this event. The registration process will be available from 1 July at www.virtualwater.com.au.

Event update for 2020 including Annual Forum

Our newly named “Strategic Priorities Group” (formerly TRG) met earlier in the week and made a number of resolutions to give some surety to our member engagement program for the rest of 2020. It is clear that many members are going to continue to struggle to travel or participate in professional development activities for the foreseeable future, and we regret to advise that the

qldwater Annual Forum Planned for Redland City has been cancelled. 

  • The Atherton mini-conference planned for 7-8 October is on barring any significant COVID challenges, likely to be a free event for members in FNQ available to attend in person, but partly webcast too all being well. If you are interested in presenting, please contact dcameron@qldwater.com.au.
  • All other events are on hold with most likely to be rescheduled from early 2021.

The Sigura Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test is still on! We don’t know exactly what it will look like yet but watch this space.


Finally, we’d like to take the time to express our thanks to our small number of committed event sponsors, some of whom are struggling at this time, particularly


Dial Before You Dig

Royce Water Technologies

Aquatec Maxcon and



We are working with them to try to ensure they are looked after – see item 6 below. 

Discussion draft – Rationalising the Water Quality Monitoring Program for WSPs

The Queensland Water Directorate was tasked by its Technical Reference Group (now Strategic Priorities Group) with examining the suite of chemical analyses that are required under approved drinking water quality management plans (DWQMPs) for opportunities to rationalise the program. The impetus for this was evidence of situations in which existing monitoring programs may have been developed a long time ago and not reviewed in light of new information gathered as a result of that monitoring, resulting in unnecessary costs in analytical services, sample transport and personnel time.

We have prepared a discussion draft that outlines a potential process for reviewing these programs, and are now seeking feedback from members. The content has not yet been discussed directly with the regulator, but we intend to do so once feedback has been incorporated.

The document can be accessed at this link. Please send any comments to either dcameron@qldwater.com.au or lreeves@qldwater.com.au

Offers sought for near new MBR equipment – Logan City Council

The Flagstone WWTP underwent a temporary upgrade in 2017/2018 to increase both the capacity of the plant and quality of the effluent produced. The sewage that was going to Flagstone has very recently been permanently diverted to the Cedar Grove WWTP, one of the sites for last year’s qldwater annual forum tour.

The redundant equipment is in good condition and only a couple of years old.

The flagstone upgrade included installing a portable membrane tank as part of the MBR that made up the treatment process. The plant was rated for 4,000 EP (660,000 litres per day), expandable to 6,000 EP per day (990,000 litres per day). More details including photos are available at 


Council is keen to talk to Queensland service providers interested in purchasing the equipment, up to 5pm on 10 July. Contact details in the link above.

Affiliated Organisations’ Announcements

Aquatec Maxcon have just celebrated our 50th Anniversary in business! The 22nd of June marked the anniversary of the big day, and we couldn't be prouder of this remarkable achievement.

In order to commemorate the occasion, we will be launching a celebratory campaign called "50 Years - 50 Stories".

We will be sharing 50 stories from our staff (both past and present) about projects that we feel are special and interesting and have contributed towards making us the Company that we are today.

Some of the stories we are intending to share will be from the following plants / projects:

  • Multiple amazing Brewery’s wonder why they are a favourite
  • Kingaroy - Australia's first Nereda plant!
  • Water Matters Alliance Australia’s First MBR
  • Marian with Mackay – we helped to create the second-best tasting water in the world!
  • Tirau MBR in New Zealand
  • Mt Cotton – Our First band screen installation
  • Our Award-Winning Yarra Valley Waste to Energy 
  • Western Corridor UV – Australia First advanced oxidation for indirect potable reuse

...and much more!


Watch this space as we go back in time and share some of our most memorable moments from the past 50 years.

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