qldwater Blog

eFlash #456

eFlash #456
Date: 28-Oct-2020

In this edition: Tasmania Wins National Taste Test| Essentials Webinar| Did you know!

1. Tasmania Wins National Taste Test

Condolences to Queensland champions Livingstone Shire Council whose award winning water missed out on the National title at the Ixom 2020 Australia’s Best Tasting Tap Water competition last week.

Hosted by WIOA, the National titles of water tasting featured the winning samples from each State. Congratulations to TasWater, TRILITY and the operators at the Rossarden WTP on winning this year's national award. 

While the result was slightly disappointing, we take solace that a trip to the International Taste Test in the US will probably be unlikely in the near term anyway… and we don’t need a panel of judges to tell us that Livingstone water is tops! 

2. Next Essentials Webinar

Our next Essentials Webinar (#16) will be held on Thursday 26 November at 10am… note this one is a week later than normal to avoid a conflict with the AWA Queensland Conference.

Our esteemed presenters are:

  • Luke Sawtell(Urban Utilities, Water Services Sector Group) – the Trusted Information Sharing Network (TISN) Mutual Aid Guidelines
  • Sen Vigneswaran(Townsville City Council) – TigerNix Asset Failure Predictive Analytics
  • Jeanette Harold(Fraser Coast Regional Council) – Lagoon pH licence amendments

Hope you can join us, please register here

3. Did you know!

Did you know that we are currently cleaning up our member database? Is your contact information up to date with qldwater? Log into your qldwater member account on our website or email us at enquiry@qldwater.com.au to ensure we have your latest contact information. 

qldwater is a business unit of IPWEAQ 

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