eFlash #460

eFlash #460

eFlash #460
Date: 20-Nov-2020

In this edition: Save the Date – Goondiwindi is on!| Water Supply Regulation e-Alert| New Cabinet Line-Up| Next Essentials Webinar| Did you know!

1. Save the Date – Goondiwindi is on!

The Queensland Water Directorate and New South Wales Water Directorate are pleased to announce that our deferred joint event – ‘Sustainable water and sewerage services for regional and remote communities’ will now be held in Goondiwindi on 17-18 February 2021. It will be another ‘hybrid’ event – while we hope to see as many members and stakeholders as possible in person there will be a large online component which we hope to make as interactive as possible.

The program is being finalised but will include a mix of speakers on strategic and technical solutions, as well as panel sessions and workshops to explore five themes relevant to small and remote communities:

Funding water and sewerage services responsibly and sustainably

Choosing fit-for-purpose technology

Negotiating levels of service

Appropriate approaches to compliance and regulation

Readiness for alternative supplies

All sessions will be available online with interactive sessions to keep all participants involved in the discussion and canvass ideas and opinions.

A sample of presentation topics include:

Resilience in Small Towns.

Panel session on shared strategic challenges including panellists from NSW, NT, Qld and WSAA

Exploring governance and regulation for small communities

Session on navigating technology traps

Workshop on key messages for decision-makers and funders in other levels of government

The new program represents a slight shift in focus – while we were originally keen to include a showcase of fit-for-purpose technologies, the original intent will be difficult to deliver in a hybrid format, and many of the presentations have now been picked up through our Essentials Webinars.

This is not a standard conference – it is a specifically themed event with a strategic aim of informing our industry roadmap – developing practical recommendations for service providers and government. It is also an exciting collaboration opportunity with NSW.

Hope to see you there.

2. Water Supply Regulation e-Alert

The Water Supply Regulation group has released its latest ‘Water Supply Regulation e-Alert’ and all members are encouraged to ensure that the right people in their organisations are registered to receive these as they are a main part of the department’s communication strategy. Key points include:

Tuesday 8 December – Brisbane Symposium – Back to Basics Water Regulation.

Friday 18 December – Drinking Water Quality Management Plan (DWQMP) Annual Report for 2019/20 due.

Friday 18 December – Recycled Water Management Plan (RWMP) Annual Report for 2019/20 due (Relevant entities only).

Information on preparing for storm season and what to do in a disaster

An updated Guideline for issuing a water rates notice outside SEQ has been released. This available from the water service provider obligations section of the Business Queensland website. There has been slight refinement to the administrative details required to be included on bills, and some suggestions for waterwise messaging. You are required to comply with the guideline by 1 November 2021.

If you would like any further information or would like to receive the Water Supply Regulation e-Alerts please contact drinkingwater.reporting@dnrme.qld.gov.au.

An updated Guideline for issuing a water rates notice outside SEQ has been released and available from the water service provider obligations section of the Business Queensland website. There has been slight refinement to the administrative details required to be included on bills, and some suggestions for waterwise messaging. You are required to comply with the guideline by 1 November 2021.

3. New Cabinet Line-Up

Please find below the full Queensland Cabinet below:




Premier and Minister for Trade


Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning


Treasurer and Minister for Investment


Minister for Education, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Racing


Minister for Health and Ambulance Services


Minister for Transport and Main Roads


Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen and Minister for Public Works and Procurement


Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Minister for Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence


Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Fire and Emergency Services


Minister for Tourism Industry Development and Innovation and Minister for Sport


Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities


Minister for Communities and Housing, Minister for Digital Economy and Minister for the Arts


Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water


Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development


Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships


Minister for Resources


Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Youth Affairs


Minister for Children and Youth Justice and Minister for Multicultural Affairs

Machinery of government changes are being worked through – hopefully the inclusion of “water” in a portfolio title means opportunities to raise the profile of key issues impacting our sector.

4. Next Essentials Webinar

Our next Essentials Webinar (#16) will be held on Thursday 26 November at 10am… note this one is a week later than normal to avoid a conflict with the AWA Queensland Conference.

Our esteemed presenters are:

Luke Sawtell (Urban Utilities, Water Services Sector Group) – the Trusted Information Sharing Network (TISN) Mutual Aid Guidelines

Luke chairs the Water Services Sector Group which provides an important forum for water utilities to come together to share knowledge and develop capability in the areas of security, business continuity, incident and emergency management and critical infrastructure resilience for the Australian water industry. The revised Mutual Aid Guidelines provide a framework for water service providers to work together to provide mutual support in recovering from significant emergencies/ events.

Sen Vigneswaran (Townsville City Council) – TigerNix Asset Failure Predictive Analytics

TigerNix Asset Predictive Analytics is a modelling solution using machine learning, BI and Big Data technologies to improve asset failure predictions and Sen is ready to talk about some of the very positive results.

Jeanette Harold (Fraser Coast Regional Council) – Lagoon pH licence amendments

Fraser Coast has recently been through a process of renegotiating licences to address unachievable pH limits. Join Jeanette to hear why and how!

Hope you can join us, please register here.

5. Did you know!

Did you know qldwater’s Sewage and Water Environmental Expert Panel (SWEAP) has been meeting regularly for over 8 years to discuss environmental issues affecting the sector and collaborate on joint responses to Government?

qldwater is a business unit of IPWEAQ

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