eFlash #478

eFlash #478

eFlash #478
Date: 07-Apr-2021

In this edition: Barcaldine Regional Conference - Registrations Now Open!| Essentials Webinar - THM Management in Drinking Water Networks - Register Now!| Emerging Contaminants and Biosolids Workshop - 22 April| Swimlocal and SWIM Training and Workshops| Senior Planning & Network Engineer - Fraser Coast Regional Council

1. Barcaldine Regional Conference - Registrations Now Open! 

Our next qldwater regional event will be in Barcaldine on 19th and 20th May, hosted by Barcaldine Regional Council. Parts of the program will again be available online, but we hope to get as many people in person as we can.

Note that you will need to sort out your travel and accommodation logistics nice and early as limited flights are available.

Early bird registrations will be complimentary again for qldwater members, with a dinner planned on the evening of the 19th and full day conference on the 20th. There will also be a site tour in the morning of the 20th May.

The event theme will be focussed on service delivery in the West and we hope to be able to showcase some of the activities of the Remote Area Planning and Development Board’s Water and Sewerage Alliance which is supported through QWRAP.

A preliminary version of the program is available on the event website.

Please contact Naomi (ncarragher@qldwater.com.au) if you are interested in sponsoring this event.

Thank you to our major event sponsor George Bourne and Associates who are our Principal and Dinner sponsors for this event. GBA Engineers has provided services including Engineering, Survey, Building Certification, Cultural Heritage & Environmental, Design and Project Management to outback Queensland.

Also thank you to our other confirmed sponsors Dial Before You Dig for the Water Connections Tour, Aquatec Maxcon and Royce Water Technologies our Gold Sponsors.

Register here to book your spot now! Early bird pricing ends 23 April 2021.

2. Essentials Webinar - THM Management in Drinking Water Networks Register Now!

The next webinar in the qldwater Essentials Webinar Series will be held on 15 April 2021 starting at 10:30 am.

The session will be on THM Management in Drinking Water Networks and will be chaired by David Sheehan from Coliban Water in Victoria.
Speakers from Mackay, seqwater, Fraser Coast and Logan will each outline their current and past issues.

Stuart Boyd (Mackay)
Duncan Middleton (Seqwater)
Cameron Ansell (Fraser Coast)
Phil Wetherell (Logan)

This will be followed by a panel session with audience questions invited.

Our panellists include:

Phil Wetherell (Logan)
Paul Sherman (Urban Utilities)
Terry Fagg (Western Downs)

Registrations will be required to participate in this webinar. Click here to register.

3. Emerging Contaminants and Biosolids Workshop - 22 April

qldwater is convening two workshops on 22 April dealing with contaminants of emerging concern. The first will be on treatment of biosolids to deal with contaminants of emerging concern while the second, co-convened with DES will examine measurement of PFAS in biosolids to inform compliance with the End of Waste Code. A summary agenda for each workshop is below,

Time: 10:00am-12:30pm Treatment of Biosolids to Remove Contaminants of Emerging Concern

Aim: Understand existing water sector activities in biosolids treatment and future opportunities

Format: Short presentations followed by moderated group discussion

Treating Biosolids in Northern Queensland (JCU)
Transformation of Australia’s Biosolids Resource (ARC Centre)
Biosolids Gasification (Logan)
Options for Water Utilities (SE Water)
Biochar technology (RMIT)
Anaerobic Digestion and Thermal Treatment (UQ)
Modular Thermal Treatment (IQEnergy)
qCRAC Update (qldwater)
Discussion: The remainder of the workshop is reserved for general discussion of opportunities, barriers and needs for future biosolids treatment.

Time: 1:30pm – 4:00pm Analysis of PFAS in Biosolids (Jointly with DES)

Aim: Guidance on PFAS analysis for EOW Code

Format: Short presentations followed by moderated group discussion

End of Waste Code (DES)
Estimation of PFAS in biosolids (UU)
Practical and operational considerations (Townsville, Unitywater, Arkwood, Gold Coast)
National Chemical Working Group update & QLD compliance issues (DES) followed by discussion on preferred analysis techniques and development of guidance on methodology and data requirements for EOW Code.
Discussion: The remainder of the workshop is reserved for general discussion of analysis techniques and guidance on methodology and data requirements for the EOW Code.

For more information or to register interest, please contact rfearon@qldwater.com.au

4. Swimlocal and SWIM Training and Workshops

qldwater will be holding some free swimlocal/SWIM training and workshops in the next couple months. If you would like training and can’t attend the below sessions, please let David know.

  • Cairns: 19-21 April
  • Longreach/Barcaldine: 17, 18, 19 and 21 May
  • Brisbane: 21-22 June

We can tailor the swimlocal training/setup work to whatever you need. For example, have training sessions for both ‘systems administrators’, i.e., those people who setup Users, sites, indicators, etc. and sessions for ‘data entry operators’, i.e., those people entering data via tablets and computers.
You can attend for as little or long as you want/need.

We will also have time to spend specifically helping you to setup or modify your swimlocal system to get the most out of it, e.g., add alerts, automating SWIM annual reporting, importing lab data directly, SCADA data imports, adding new sites/indictors, etc. and discussing future reporting tools and dashboards.

Please let me know if you (and/or other staff) are interested so we can work out numbers and meeting rooms.

Note that there should be minimal to no changes to the SWIM indicators this year.

If you have any questions about SWIM or swimlocal please contact David Scheltinga (dscheltinga@qldwater.com.au).

5. Senior Planning & Network Engineer - Fraser Coast Regional Council

Fraser Coast regional council is looking for a full time Senior Planning & Network Engineer to commence in

Are you looking for a career change or a change of scenery? This position could be perfect for you.

Are you interested and want to find out more? Find out more here. Applications close Sunday 20 April at 11pm. 

For further details please contact John Mann, Manager Planning on 07 4194 7656 during business hours only. 

qldwater is a business unit of IPWEAQ 

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