eFlash #485

eFlash #485

eFlash #485
Date: 26-May-2021

In this edition: Next Essentials Webinar – Registrations Now Open| Barcaldine Regional Conference – Wrap Up| Dial Before You Dig – We say thank you| Affiliate Organisations Announcement

1. Next Essentials Webinar– Registrations Now Open!

The next qldwater Webinar is now open for registrations.

The session will focus on Asset Management to be held on 17 June 2021 at 10-11 am. 

Our two presenters are: 

Teng Yik (NT Power and Water Corporation)
Ngukurr Asbestos Cement Main Project, NT

NT Power and Water Corporation is responsible for the provision of safe drinking water to a population that is both widely dispersed and remote. The Ngukurr Aboriginal Community water reticulation system was serviced by asbestos cement mains installed in the 70s. Based on age, these mains were at the end of life and required replacement, and the system was experiencing very high levels of water loss (80-90%). This presentation examines the lessons from the renewal program.

Moira Zeilinga (Clear Idea)
Why is it important for water businesses to understand asset criticality?

In late 2019, three Queensland Regional Councils and qldwater decided to collaborate on the development of a Statewide Network Asset Criticality Guideline. Working in partnership with the councils Moira developed a methodology, framework, and guideline for water and wastewater network infrastructure asset criticality with the intention of making it relevant for as many Queensland Water Service Providers as possible. The tool has now progressed to the trial stage, where it has been tested by several additional councils. This presentation leads on from that work, and the experiences that have come out of working with the councils on this important project.

Registrations will be required to participate in this webinar. Click here to register and lock it in to your calendar.

2. Barcaldine Regional Conference – Wrap Up

The Barcaldine Regional Conference held on 19-20 May focused on service delivery in the West with a wide range of interesting presentations from across the region. 

The event started out with a self-drive technical tour visiting the water ski park construction site and STP, following the proposed recycled water pipeline route to the race course where it’s intended to use the water to keep the only grass track in Western Queensland well fed. The STP design has a number of innovative features mixed with simple technologies for a significantly reduced capital cost, and the effort put into the race track and ski park is expected to see significant benefits to both the community and regional economic development through visitors.

Presentations included an update on the Great Artesian Basin Advisory Council, an innovative approach to the Barcaldine WWTP upgrade and water recycling scheme by The Water & Carbon Group, chlorination options in regional communities by RAPADSWA, implementing SCADA and cyber security upgrades at Winton, water security in the Central West and a collaborative approach to DWQ management by Gladstone Regional Council. Recordings of the presentations will be available soon.

A big thanks to our hosts, Barcaldine Regional Council, and sponsors DBYD, GBA Consulting Engineers, Royce Water Technologies, Aquatec Maxcon, Aqualyng ICES and McBerns.

3Dial Before You Dig – We say thank you

qldwater would like to take this opportunity to thank Dial Before You Dig for their longstanding commitment to our work and the broader water industry. DBYD took on the main sponsorship of the annual Water Connections Tour over ten years ago and ever since that time they have become a constant fixture at qldwater events. 

Due to financial constraints the sponsorship has now ended, but we know the strong partnership will remain as both organisations aim to achieve the same common goal for a safe, secure and sustainable water and sewerage industry.

4Affiliate Organisations Announcement

The call for abstracts is now open for the 7th Australian and New Zealand Cyanobacteria Workshop Online, which will be held on the 29th & 30th September 2021. 

This year’s Workshop will be a two-day virtual event, showcasing new research advancements and providing a forum for water supply managers, health officials, ecologists, modellers, toxicologists and research experts in cyanobacterial identification and management to meet and discuss all things cyanobacteria.

Present your work to industry leaders, research experts and colleagues to address the conference theme of “recent Australian and New Zealand research on cyanobacteria with implications for risk management within the water industry.”

Abstracts will be considered for both oral and interactive presentations. This event will be a fantastic opportunity for water professionals to showcase their contributions to the water sector, plan for its future and inspire change among industry leaders and peers.

Along with both oral and interactive presentations, other options to present your work include workshops, panel sessions and poster pitches.

Don't miss your opportunity to present! The call for abstracts will close on Friday, 16th July 2021. Submit your abstract

qldwater is a business unit of IPWEAQ 

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