eFlash 488

eFlash 488

eFlash 488
Date: 11-Jun-2021

In this edition: Next Essentials Webinar – Register Now| Charters Towers Regional Conference – Register Now| Important Statewide Water Management System (SWIM) News| qldwater Best of the Best Taste Test Sponsorship Available| Barcaldine Regional Conference – Presentations Now Available| WIOA Toowoomba Conference – Mains Tapping Videos| IPWEAQ International Women in Engineering Day Luncheon

1. Next Essentials Webinar - Register Now

The next qldwater Webinar is now open for registrations.

The session will focus on Asset Management to be held on 17 June 2021 at 10-11 am.

Our two presenters are:

Teng Yik (NT Power and Water Corporation) 
Ngukurr Asbestos Cement Main Project, NT 

NT Power and Water Corporation is responsible for the provision of safe drinking water to a population that is both widely dispersed and remote. The Ngukurr Aboriginal Community water reticulation system was serviced by asbestos cement mains installed in the 70s. Based on age, these mains were at the end of life and required replacement, and the system was experiencing very high levels of water loss (80-90%). This presentation examines the lessons from the renewal program. 

Moira Zeilinga (Clear Idea) 
Why is it important for water businesses to understand asset criticality? 

In late 2019, three Queensland Regional Councils and qldwater decided to collaborate on the development of a Statewide Network Asset Criticality Guideline. Working in partnership with the councils Moira developed a methodology, framework, and guideline for water and wastewater network infrastructure asset criticality with the intention of making it relevant for as many Queensland Water Service Providers as possible. The tool has now progressed to the trial stage, where it has been tested by several additional councils. This presentation leads on from that work, and the experiences that have come out of working with the councils on this important project. 

Registrations will be required to participate in this webinar. Click here to register and lock it in to your calendar. 

2. Charters Towers Regional Conference - Register Now

Our last qldwater regional conference for 2021 will be held in Charters Towers on the 21st and 22nd July, graciously hosted by Charters Towers Regional Council. Register Here 

The event theme will be focused on ‘Water Quality Challenges in Northern Queensland’.

There will be a site tour taking place on Wednesday 21st July from 2:30pm to 4:30pm for those who would like to visit the Weir Pump Station and the Water Treatment Plant followed by an optional two course dinner for those who would like to join us. Places are limited for the site tour due to the number of bus seats available so please register as soon as possible if you are planning to attend to secure your spot. 

As an additional incentive to attend the Charters Towers Conference, you have the opportunity in Charters Towers to be part of a new idea based on sharing stories through photos and videos.

Before you get scared off – it’s not about you, it’s about the interesting kit you operate, challenges you’ve faced and how you have innovated to address them. For the event, you are invited to bring along your best example of something interesting. To find out more, click here

Early bird registrations will be complimentary again for qldwater members with the event being run in a hybrid format however we hope to get as many people as possible to attend in person. 

The program is available on the event website.

 There will be a meeting for the Northern Queensland Alliance participants in the morning of the 21st before the site tour.

There are still sponsorship opportunities available, please contact Naomi
(ncarragher@qldwater.com.au) if you are interested in sponsoring this event. 

Also thank you to our confirmed sponsors GanDen our dinner sponsor, Aquatec Maxcon, Royce Water Technologies and Aqualyng ICES our Gold Sponsors and McBerns & Taggle our Silver Sponsors.

3. Important Statewide Water Management System (SWIM) News

Annual water and sewerage data reporting for 2020/21: well it is coming up to that time of year again when annual water and sewage data is collated by Water Service Providers across the State and sent to BoM, NPR, ABS and the Qld Govt. Later this month qldwater will be sending your SWIM representative information regarding accessing and using the SWIM system. If you have had staff changes and the SWIM reporting person from last year is no long working in this position please contact qldwater at swim@qldwater.com.au so we can help set up new contact details so important information can be supplied to your organisation.

The SWIM system will be opened for reporting on July 1.

The data is due by October 1. All data is mandatory and required under legislation – PINS can be imposed for late or missing data.

SWIM training: as there has been no changes to the annual indicators requested this year qldwater will be holding only one more ‘in person’ specific SWIM training sessions this year. This will be in Brisbane on Monday June 21 (from 10am to 12pm). We are more than happy to organise online meetings with anyone who wishes to do this. So, if you would like to do some SWIM training, please let David know (contact details below) and we will work out something for you.
If you have any questions about SWIM please contact David Scheltinga (dscheltinga@qldwater.com.au).

4. qldwater Best of the Best Taste Test Sponsorship Opportunity

We all know that it takes good water to make the best brews – whether you prefer a cup of tea, coffee or something a bit stronger! We’re off to an exciting start for the year, with our inaugural taste test winner, Barcoo Shire Council, again winning the Best of the West in Barcaldine last month, and current Queensland champions, Livingstone Shire Council, beating NSW in the Water of Origin at the WIOA Conference last week.

You have an opportunity to sponsor this event! Our new sponsors will help us prepare for a dramatic showdown at our Annual Forum in September (on North Stradbroke Island), with lots of promotional opportunities available to pursue. Contact Naomi Carragher (ncarragher@qldwater.com.au) for more information.

5. Barcaldine Regional Conference - Presentations Now Available

The Barcaldine Regional Conference held on 19-20 May focused on service delivery in the West with a wide range of interesting presentations from across the region.

Presentations included an update on the Great Artesian Basin Advisory Council, an innovative approach to the Barcaldine WWTP upgrade and water recycling scheme by The Water & Carbon Group, chlorination options in regional communities by RAPADSWA, implementing SCADA and cyber security upgrades at Winton, water security in the Central West and a collaborative approach to DWQ management by Gladstone Regional Council.

The recordings and presentations are now available here for viewing and downloading.

If you experience any issues accessing these please contact enquiry@qldwater.com.au

6. WIOA Toowoomba Conference - Mains Tapping Videos

Congratulations to the City of Gold Coast team taking out the 2021 WIOA mains tapping competition in Toowoomba last week, in slightly controversial circumstances. No further explanation – check out the videos!

Day 1 - https://vimeo.com/560215923/59e529ac03

Day 2 - https://vimeo.com/560219689/7882441040

7. IPWEAQ International Women in Engineering Day Luncheon

IPWEAQ invites you to join us for Engineering a Pathway: a lunch with Else Shepherd. Else was one of the first women to receive an electrical engineering degree from the University of Queensland in 1965. What she has achieved since has been outstanding with little regard for gender imbalances.

To celebrate, International Women in Engineering Day, we welcome our community to join together and hear about Else's incredible story including her pioneering spirit, challenges she has faced, and lessons learnt along the way.

In addition to the presentation, registrations include drinks on arrival and a roving lunch. Due to capacity, numbers are strictly limited.

This event is open to both males and females.

Register Here

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