eFlash #491

eFlash #491

eFlash #491
Date: 30-Jun-2021

In this edition: Smarter Investment in Wastewater and Water Management forum: Book now!| Charters Towers Regional Conference – Register Now

1. Smarter Investment in Wastewater and Water Management Forum: Book Now!

The Queensland Government is hosting a forum in conjunction with the Australian Water Association North Queensland Regional Conference. The Smarter investment in wastewater and water management - sharing lessons from the Reef catchment and the south east Queensland region forumis on Wednesday 28 July. 

The half-day interactive forum, organised in partnership with qldwater and the Local Government Association of Queensland, will share insights and lessons learnt in managing water and wastewater for smarter investment across the Reef catchment and improved water quality outcomes for the Great Barrier Reef. 

This is a critical opportunity for senior water and water treatment asset managers to share and gain valuable insights on catchment-wide approaches and capacity building opportunities for urban water and water management. For further details and registration, please visit https://ipweaq.eventsair.com/qwd-urban-water-forum-2021/

2. Charters Towers Regional Conference – Register Now

Only 10 days left to registerto attendthe Charters Towers Conference being held on the 21st and 22nd July. You better hurry and register now to not miss out on the complimentary registrations for qldwater members.

The event theme will be focused on ‘Water Quality Challenges in Northern Queensland’. 

There will be a site tour taking place on Wednesday 21st July from 2:30pm to 4:30pm for those who would like to visit the Weir Pump Station and the Water Treatment Plant followed by an optional two course dinner for those who would like to join us. 

Places are limited for the site tour due to the number of bus seats available so please register as soon as possible if you are planning to attend to secure your spot. 

As an additional incentive to attend the Charters Towers Conference, you have the opportunity in Charters Towers to be part of a new idea based on sharing stories through photos and videos. 

Before you get scared off – it’s not about you, it’s about the interesting kit you operate, challenges you’ve faced and how you have innovated to address them. For the event, you are invited to bring along your best example of something interesting. To find out more, click here

The program is available on the event website.

There will be a meeting for the Northern Queensland Alliance participants in the morning of the 21st before the site tour. 

There are still sponsorship opportunities still available, please contact Naomi 
(ncarragher@qldwater.com.au) if you are interested in sponsoring this event. 

Thank you to our confirmed sponsors GanDen our dinner sponsor, Aquatec Maxcon, Royce Water Technologies and Aqualyng ICES our Gold Sponsors and McBerns & Taggle our Silver Sponsors.

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