eFlash #494

eFlash #494

eFlash #494
Date: 23-Jul-2021

In this edition: Changes to the Operator Certification Framework (including new name)| Next Essentials Webinar – Register Now| qldwater Annual Forum 2021 – Register Now| Smarter Investment in Wastewater and Water Management forum: Book now! 

1. Changes to the Operator Certification Framework (including new name)

The National Drinking Water Operator Certification Framework was originally developed in 2012, and Certification was the adopted name as it most accurately reflected the agreed need of the water industry at the time.

Over time, there has been growing confusion over the term as it relates to national Vocational Education and Training terminology where many individuals hold a Certificate II or III, but that doesn’t mean they are “Certified” under the Framework which is the process which ensures that Operators have the units of competency relevant to the specific treatment processes they operate, commit to ongoing skills development and so on.

Following a Taskforce meeting earlier this month, draft amendments have been made to the Framework (click here to review) to reflect name changes:

  • Water Industry Operator Registration Framework 2021;
  • Water Industry Operator Registration Taskforce (WIORT);
  • Registering Body in lieu of Certifying Body; and 
  • Registered Professional Operator to replace Certified Operator.

Operators “Certified” under former Frameworks will be automatically recognised as “Registered Professional Operators” under the conditions of this Framework provided the conditions of previous Framework versions, including timeframes, remain met.

The only other amendments include revised listings of units of competency to reflect updates to the National Water Training Package (NWP).

If you have any feedback you’d like to provide on the amendments, please submit to dcameron@qldwater.com.au by 5pm 20 August. It is our aim to publish a final version shortly after that, once approved by the WIORT.

2. Next Essentials Webinar – Register Now

qldwater's next Essential Webinar will be taking place on Thursday 19th August at 10am. You can register here

The session will focus on ‘Drinking Water Quality’, bringing together two speakers that are passionate on this topic.

Our two presenters are: 

Terry Fagg (Western Downs Regional Council)

Enhanced Coagulation in practice - A useful tool in the management of disinfection by products.

Terry, as an experienced and well-respected water treatment manager will provide a background to how enhanced coagulation can be used to help manage raw water high in organics, and lead to better DBP outcomes.

Mark Harvey (Charters Towers Regional Council)

DWQMP: After 10 years, have we taken them off the shelf yet?

Mark will reprise his presentation from the Charters Towers regional conference for a wider audience, talking about the challenges and improvements that the industry has faced since the introduction of the DQWMPs in Queensland.

Registrations will be required to participate in this webinar. Click here to register and lock it in to your calendar.

3. qldwaterAnnual Forum 2021 – Registrations Now Open!

The Queensland Water Directorate (qldwater) invites you to join us for our Annual Forum in Redland City in September 2021. 

The qldwater Annual Forum is being held on the 8th & 9th of September with an additional ‘Automated Metering’ themed workshop being held on the 7th of September.

This year’s forum is being graciously hosted by the Redland City Council with most events based at Alexandra Hills Hotel and at North Stradbroke Island for our day tour.

A copy of the draft programs for the three days is available on our event website.

If you have not been to one of our forums or one of our themed workshops before, it is not something you will want to miss! A chance to network with 100 plus water industry professionals, typically including 30 plus councils/utilities.

This year our focus is trying to get as many people to attend in person as possible. It will be great opportunity to network with likeminded people, as such there will be no virtual registrations for this forum.

7 September – It will be a great opportunity to share experiences in automated metering and our increasingly digital operating environment, as well as the chance to connect with industry experts and vendors.

8 September – A Day on North Stradbroke Island visiting the Seqwater Dunwich Water Treatment Plant & Redland City Council Point Lookout Sewerage Treatment Plant and other fun activities including the Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test! Followed by the Annual Forum Dinner where you have the opportunity to network with other delegates over a three course meal and have the opportunity to listen to our keynote speaker Adam Lovell from Water Services Association of Australia.

9 September – The day will be focused on Industry Strategy (building on the highly successful 2019 event) and 'Is Asset Management for Water and Sewerage in Queensland broken?' Speakers from around the state and nationally will provide case studies on how AM is improving.

Sponsorship opportunities are still available across the three days. If you are interested in sponsoring any of the days, please contact Naomi Carragher on 07 3632 6850 or ncarragher@qldwater.com.au.

This is a great opportunity to connect with your peers across the state. We hope to see you there!

4. Smarter Investment in Wastewater and Water Management Forum: Book Now!

The Queensland Government is hosting a forum in conjunction with the Australian Water Association North Queensland Regional Conference. The Smarter investment in wastewater and water management - sharing lessons from the Reef catchment and the south east Queensland region forumis on Wednesday 28 July. 

You can view the agenda for the day here.

The half-day interactive forum, organised in partnership with qldwater and the Local Government Association of Queensland, will share insights and lessons learnt in managing water and wastewater for smarter investment across the Reef catchment and improved water quality outcomes for the Great Barrier Reef. 

This is a critical opportunity for senior water and water treatment asset managers to share and gain valuable insights on catchment-wide approaches and capacity building opportunities for urban water and water management. For further details and registration, please visit https://ipweaq.eventsair.com/qwd-urban-water-forum-2021/

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