eFlash #506

eFlash #506

eFlash #506
Date: 06-Oct-2021

In this edition: Webinar – Unitywater's Automated Metering Journey| qCRAC-SWEAP Contaminants Source Control Workshop| 2021-22 AWA QLD YWP Mentoring Program 

1. Webinar –Unitywater'sAutomated Metering Journey

Steve McDonald was unfortunately ill and unable to present at the qldwater automated metering workshop on 7 September. Steve has kindly agreed to provide a special online presentation, providing an update on Unitywater’s automated metering program on Tuesday 2 November at 10:30 am. 

Register Here for the webinar.

Recordings of the other presentations from the day are now available at https://qldwater.com.au/automated-metering-workshop-2021.

2. qCRAC-SWEAP Contaminants Source Control Workshop

Source control for emerging contaminants is an area that the qldwater Consortium for Research and Advocacy on Contaminants (qCRAC) has targeted for future action. This is because for some contaminants, for which treatment processes are complex and potentially costly, the most effective control method may be to control the chemical at the source before it enters the wastewater system. Interest in this area is the prompt for a workshop, jointly hosted by qCRAC and SWEAP.
The workshop will be run as a webinar on 21 October 2021 from 10:00 - 12:30.
We have lined up six speakers for what promises to be an informative and lively session: 

Shaun Thomas (South Australia EPA) 
David Sheehan (Vic Water) 
Brad Clarke (ALEC) 
Jochen Mueller (QAEHS) 
Susi Vardy (DES) 
Colin Hester (UU) 

Register Here

3. 2021-22 AWA QLD YWP Mentoring Program

The 2021/22 Australian Water Association QLD Young Water Professionals (YWP) Mentoring Program is back by popular demand. Applications close 7 October 2021. 
If you’re looking for guidance in managing your career, then this is your chance to find the mentorship you need. Or, if you’re keen to make a difference to an up-and-coming water professional while developing your leadership skills we strongly encourage you to sign up as a mentor. 

The 6-month Mentoring Program will be facilitated by the QLD YWP Committee; however, your mentoring relationship over the Program period can be formal or informal and is based on openness, mutual trust, respect, encouragement, constructive comments, and a willingness to learn. 

How can mentoring help me? 
Mentoring is an important influence in professional development and constitutes a rewarding bilateral relationship. Whilst mentees get much-needed guidance, encouragement and access to invaluable experience, mentors can benefit from learning new perspectives and developing leadership and communication skills. 
For more information on our previous Mentoring programs and testimonies from previous Mentoring pairs, click here

Regional Inclusion
Regional based water professionals are encouraged to submit applications for mentor and mentee roles. The launch event will be streamed, through a Teams / Zoom platform making the program accessible. 
Program Timeline November 2021 – May 2022 
Registrations close 7 October and is limited to 40 pairs.
Mentors to provide Pen Pic / photo / vlog in registration link to assist with matching. 
Mentees will be emailed briefs about the mentor's availability to assist with matching/networking at the launch event.
Launch event (in-person limited to 60 and online) – speed mentoring and networking: 21 October, The Ship Inn, Southbank.
Mentees to send in Mentor Preferences (five) by 28 October.
The Organising Committee will try out best to match your mentor based on your preference. 
Mentoring matches provided by: 4 November 2021
See the QLD Events website for more details and to register.

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