eFlash #511

eFlash #511

eFlash #511
Date: 10-Nov-2021

In this edition: DWQMP Guideline Review – Your Feedback is Welcome| Potential for Changes to Environmental Legislation| Fundamentals Webinar – Register Now

1. DWQMP Guideline Review – Your Feedback is Welcome

Following a major review by Water Supply Regulation and the Guideline Development Advisory Group, a draft version of the revised Drinking Water Quality Management Plan (DWQMP) guideline is now available for your review and feedback. If you would like to participate in this final review, please email us at drinkingwater.reporting@rdmw.qld.gov.au to obtain a copy of the documents. Feedback is due in mid-December.

qldwater will be reviewing and providing comment (as we did as part of the Advisory Group) so members are welcome to share their feedback with dcameron@qldwater.com.au. We are hoping to discuss feedback with our recently convened Drinking Water Advisory Panel and may look at other engagement opportunities if time permits. This is an important regulatory guideline which now incorporates the audit guideline released in 2020 and members are encouraged to have a look and identify any concerns they might have in implementing the new requirements.

2. Potential for Changes to Environmental Legislation

DES is currently considering a raft of primarily administrative changes to environmental legislation. The proposed changes have not yet been released for public consultation and cover a wide range of activities overseen by the Department. At the upcoming qldwater SWEAP meeting (16th November) we will be discussing issues that may impact water and sewerage service providers and also opportunities to raise long-standing administrative changes the sector has been advocating for some time. Members that wish to join the discussion or want further information should contact Rob Fearon (rfearon@qldwater.com.au).

3. Fundamentals Webinar - Register Now

Join us on Tuesday 16 November for the final Fundamentals Webinar for 2021 to hear about ‘Seasonal Disaster Readiness’ from Trevor Harvey, previously of North Burnett Regional Council. Trevor has plenty of experience to share on this topic, after managing through a seven year period where they had six declared flood events, an earthquake and a bushfire. The webinar will focus on what he and his team learned from each of those events and the plans they put in place for managing future extreme events. Register Now!

More sessions will be hosted in 2022, with details coming soon. Keep an eye on our Upcoming Events page for details.
Recordings of all previous webinars are available to download on the qldwater website. Please contact webinar@qldwater.com.au with any queries about previous or future webinars or to discuss sponsorship opportunities

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