eFlash #517

eFlash #517

eFlash #517
Date: 17-Dec-2021

In this edition: QWRAP Funding Announcement

1. QWRAP Funding Annoucement

Many will have seen by now Minister Butcher’s announcement that the Queensland Water Regional Alliance Program has not only received an extension for work beyond 30 June 2022, but that $2 Million per annum will be a permanent allocation.
 This creates a significant opportunity for the now very large number of participating councils in regional Queensland to plan longer term collaborations, building on the program’s past successes.  While they are not the sort of numbers that help build treatment plants or undertake major renewals, the model has clearly demonstrated success in achieving efficiencies through collaboration at a regional scale.
The program is now a decade old and there are many people who have contributed during that time. I’d like to acknowledge all of those past champions from collaborating councils along with LGAQ, and qldwater staff, but also the staff from the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water who have worked hard to secure the future of the work. This has really been a team effort, and it’s worth singling out Subathra Ramachandram, Ryan Cosgrove and Louise Reeves for special mention over the last few years.
Importantly though I want to recognise the efforts of Dr Rob Fearon as Program Manager since the start. Rob’s passion, drive, research and planning capacity and diplomacy has seen close to statewide coverage now with 9 active regions. The formalisation of this work as an ongoing state-supported activity is a huge achievement for the benefit of Queensland communities.
Dave Cameron
is a business unit of IPWEAQ

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