Skills eFlash #101

Skills eFlash #101

Skills eFlash #101
Date: 28-Sep-2021

In this edition: Celebrating Industry Training Collaboration| October Fundamentals Webinars| Have your say about VET Reforms| New NWP Units of Competency| Skills Advocacy| Upcoming Events

1. Celebrating Industry Training Collaboration

We are excited that the Queensland Water Skills Partnership has been announced as a finalist in the Premier’s Industry Collaboration category of the 60th annual Queensland Training Awards!

Queensland Minister for Training and Skills Development Di Farmer made special mention of the Partnership in her announcement of finalists stating that the “Queensland Water Skills Partnership is a successful industry collaboration that addresses critical skills needs facing the urban water industry in Queensland.”

“This award celebrates exemplary skills development by industry and organisations delivering nationally recognised training. Being a finalist in this category is well deserved recognition of the efforts of those who are working together to support training and workforce development in the Queensland water industry,” Minister Farmer said. Read the Minister’s Press Release.

The winner will be announced via a virtual awards ceremony on Friday 8 October. We'll keep you posted!

2. October Fundamentals Webinars 

Register now for our two Fundamentals Webinars in October:

  • Thursday, 7 October, 10am-11.30am, ‘Water Supply Reservoir Integrity a Critical Control Point (CCP) in Drinking Water Management Systems', presented by Murray Thompson
  • Tuesday, 19 October, 10am-11am, ‘The basics of instrument verification and validation considering hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)’, presented by Gary Fenwick, Leading Vocational Teacher for Water Utilities at SkillsTech - TAFE Queensland. Thank you to SkillsTech for supporting this session.

Recordings of all previous webinars are available to download on the qldwater website. Please contact with any queries about previous or future webinars or to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

3. Have your say about VET reforms

Skills Ministers across the country are progressing a range of reforms to the Vocational Education and Training system. The Department of Education, Skills and Employment is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the design and structure of national training products and strategies for ensuring future workforce quality.

The Department has invited submissions on the draft VET Workforce Quality Strategy and draft concepts for Qualifications Reform.

There are significant changes proposed for qualifications design and development, with a move away from task-based units of competency towards broader occupational standards, so please take the time to review the proposed changes and provide your feedback by Monday 27 September 2021.

qldwater is participating in regular stakeholder webinars as part of the reform process and will keep you informed of progress. If you have specific feedback to discuss, please contact Carlie Sargent on 07 3632 6853.

4. New NWP Units of Competency 

Following industry feedback, the Water Industry Reference Committee has received approval to proceed with a number of water industry training package projects.

Australian Industry Standards is establishing a Water Network Maintenance Technical Advisory Committee to develop four new Units of Competency to address specific skills for maintaining and cleaning water networks, and for non-destructive investigation of water assets. A Flood Site Operations Technical Advisory Committee is also being set up to develop one new Unit of Competency and one new Skill Set to address specific skills for undertaking flood management and site operations and enable flood warning sites to be operated to a higher and more consistent standard.

The Committees will invite consultation as new materials are developed. For more information please contact Australian Industry Standards.

5. Skills Advocacy 

qldwater through the Water Skills Partnership and in our role as an Industry Skills Advisor to the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) and as a member of the Water Industry Reference Committee, is regularly asked to provide input to policy and investment decisions to support the skilling and training needs of the Queensland water industry workforce. The following is an overview of recent and other related activities:

Queensland Industry Engagement on Skills and Workforce Issues

qldwater last week participated in a meeting with other Industry Skills Advisors and Queensland Regional DESBT Directors and Departmental Staff to hear updates on specific programs and discuss opportunities for improving industry engagement on skilling and workforce issues.

To address quality and compliance concerns relating to accredited training, the Department has made a number of changes to the Skills Assure Supplier processes for RTOs and there is an opportunity for qldwater to engage further to consider options for supporting the thin training market in Queensland.

Regional Directors from across Queensland were in attendance and encouraged industries to seek support from regional DESBT representatives when looking to fill vacancies or traineeships. Please contact Carlie Sargent on 07 3632 6853 to discuss opportunities in your region.

The Skills Minister and Director-General addressed the group and invited examples of where industry is currently, or has potential, to demonstrate success in resolving workforce concerns. There is more engagement with the Minister being planned for later in the year and we will keep you up to date as that occurs.

6. Upcoming Events 

  • Foundation Skills Micro-Credentials, self-paced, online workshops and face to face workshops available. Enrol Now!
  • Fundamentals Webinar - Thursday, 7 October, 10am-11.30am, ‘Water Supply Reservoir Integrity a Critical Control Point (CCP) in Drinking Water Management Systems' presented by Murray Thompson. Register now
  • Fundamentals Webinar - Tuesday, 19 October, 10am-11am, ‘The basics of instrument verification and validation considering hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)’, presented by Gary Fenwick. Register now
  • Fundamentals Webinar, 10am, Tuesday 16 November, “Seasonal Disaster Readiness” presented by Trevor Harvey. Registrations coming soon.

For more upcoming events, visit:

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