Skills eFlash #109

Skills eFlash #109

Skills eFlash #109
Date: 12-Sep-2022

In this edition: Gympie Regional Conference Wrap| RTO Market Update| Urgent - Quick Survey for Water Operation Trainees| Next Fundamental Webinar 15 September| Clontarf Foundation| Upcoming Events

1. Gympie Regional Conference Wrap 

Thanks to everyone who braved the cold to join us for the Gympie Regional Conference last week, and a big shout out to Peter Manning and the Gympie crew for hosting the event and showing us around.

 The bus tour on Wednesday afternoon included a drive around Gympie to see some of the pump stations that were inundated during the 2022 floods and visits to the Gympie Water Treatment Plant and the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

 The dinner at the Bunker Smokehouse was a great opportunity for informal networking with delicious food and a bar tab – and the Queensland State of Origin win was the cherry on the cake for the evening.

 On Thursday, 14 July we gathered at The Pavilion Conference and Reception to hear a range of interesting technical presentations including lessons learnt from ARC Flash training at Unitywater, the handback of the Rubyanna WWTP to Bundaberg Regional Council, water security and coastal sewer strategies in the Fraser Coast and Bundaberg regions as well as updates from the DRDMW and DES.

 The event also included an attraction hack session, with six international students from Southern Cross University and Queensland University of Technology attending the event as part of a QWRAP project to engage with university students. The students are from different courses in engineering, design, and urban development.

If any of our members have employment or work experience opportunities that they believe would be suitable for students, please contact Anna Mehonoshen on

2. RTO Market Update

The registration anomalies mentioned in the previous Skills eFlash have been resolved with Simmonds and Bristow and Water Training Australia offering training services in Queensland linked to Skilled Assured Supplier arrangements (meaning eligible for various Queensland Government subsidies)

On Wednesday 27 July a meeting was held with qldwater, DESBT and TAFE Queensland to discuss feedback that we received from skills partnership members on the transition arrangements for existing students impacted by the TAFE Queensland decision to withdraw from water operations.
 We were informed that students with assessments still needing to be marked will receive their results in due course as there is currently one person marking all the assessments. Once the assessments have been marked and results uploaded, learners will be able to access their Statement of Attainments to enrol at a new training provider and receive transfer credits for units already completed.

 Students with no active enrolments will receive their Statement of Attainment.

 For anyone who have further enquiries for the transitions process with TAFE Queensland, please contact either Gary Hutt or Sarah Henry who will be able to assist you.

 Gary Hutt
 0429 665 672
 (07) 3244 0938

 Sarah Henry
 0481 151 511
 (07) 3244 0461

qldwater will continue to pass on any feedback our members have on the transition process from TAFE Queensland to DESBT. Please contact Anna or share on Zoho if you have any information to provide or questions about the current supply market.

3. Urgent - Quick Survey for Water Operation Trainees

As seen in last week's eFlash, The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training has asked for some demand data to support a qldwater business case to reopen “Skills Assure Supplier” arrangements for newer Registered Training Organisations. There is no guarantee of success as it would require a special case for water operations only.

 “Skills Assure Suppliers” are training providers whose enrolled learners can access Queensland Government subsidies. This has been an issue for some time but has become acute with the decision of TAFE Queensland to step away from water operations training.

 Thank you to those who have responded already.

Please continue to send responses to Anna Mehonoshen ASAP with the number of trainees expected for your organisation as per the following table – we are aiming to collate the results and report by 4 August.
 *Current = for example you have students who were enrolled with TAFE and are in the process of transitioning to a new provider
 **Urgent = you have been to market for a training provider or are about to

4. Next Fundamental Webinar 15 September

Lock it in your diaries - On 15 September qldwater will be hosting a Fundamental Webinar on Trickling Filters, presented by Terry Fagg from Western Downs Regional council!

 Registration will be open soon.

5. Clontarf Foundation

The Clontarf Foundation provides support to male indigenous students in years 11 and 12 through staffed academies set up in schools across Australia. This includes supporting the students with any VET courses they undertake.

 Anna will be going on a tour of one of the Clontarf Academies at a school in Indooroopilly in early August to learn more about the day-to-day actions of staff and students.

 Anna and Des will also be attending the SEQ Employment Forum hosted by Clontarf Foundation at the end of August. There are Employment Forums held in different regions across QLD and follow a ‘speed dating’ format. Each industry employer has their own table that groups of students spend ten minutes at then rotate to the next table. Our role in the upcoming forum is just to observe but this could provide an opportunity for our members to attend future forums.

If you’d like to be involved with the development of this partnership, please contact Anna at

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