Skills eFlash #110

Skills eFlash #110

Skills eFlash #110
Date: 13-Sep-2022

In this edition: Skills Catch Up Meeting| Queensland Government Workforce Summit Strategy| RTO Market Update| Water Training Package Submission| Next Fundamental Webinar 15 September 2022| Clontarf Foundation Update - SEQ Employment Forum

1. Skills Catch Up Meeting

Thank you to those who attended the catch up meeting held 1 September 2022 to provide input and feedback to prioritise future topics for Fundamental Webinars and Micro-Credentials.

 The Queensland Government Workforce Summit Strategy released this week included an extension of the Micro-Credentialing Pilot Program to provide increased access to industry-supported short courses in its 2022-2025 Action Plan. This, together with constructive feedback from meetings with DESBT, are positive indications that we will be able to secure funding to build on the success of the pilot program, and qldwater will now start work on a business case to respond to upcoming grant opportunities.

 There are still learners in the transition period since the cessation of water training by Skillstech. A couple of partners shared their ongoing issues, and we will endeavour to assist those with urgent transition needs. This feedback is valuable and will be passed on to DESBT who have been very supportive in assisting with this transition.

In preparation for data collection for the qldwater Workforce Snapshot report, partners were shown a data collection template created by Shaun Johnston, the 2020 data collection template and one that Anna has been workshopping that was based on the 2020 template with some elements of Shaun’s added. It was identified that the needs/requirements of different sized providers determined the ease of how the previous template was completed ie. Smaller providers need flexibility of job title as they have employees who work across multiple areas.

The full notes from the meeting are available here

2. Queensland Government Workforce Summit Strategy

The Queensland Government Workforce Summit Strategy was released 30 August, committing $70m to new initiatives on top of the $1.2 billion investment in skills and training.

 qldwater is still digesting the strategy and its implications for the Queensland Urban Water Industry.

The full report and a summary are available here

3. RTO Market Update

Thank you to everyone who responded to our learner demand survey. The data was collated and submitted to DESBT as evidence that there is a sizeable demand for learners. The next step is an assessment of the demand to determine if it is sufficient to take new applications for training providers to become Skills Assured Suppliers.

qldwater will continue to pass on any feedback our members have on the transition process from TAFE Queensland to DESBT, including those mentioned at the special meeting on 1 September. Please email or share on Zoho if you have any information to provide or questions about the current supply market status.

4. Water Training Package Submission

The Water Industry Reference Committee has submitted the Case for Endorsement and draft Training Package materials for the Flood Site Operations and Water Network Maintenance projects to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee for their consideration.

Flood Site Operations
 A new Unit of Competency and a Skill Set have been developed to address specific skills for undertaking flood management and the operation and maintenance of flood warning sites. The new unit will be an elective in the Certificate III in Water Industry Operations.

Water Network Maintenance
 Three new Units of Competency and one updated existing unit address the skills and knowledge required to clean and maintain water assets, including use of new technologies to monitor and repair assets. Minor revisions have been made to three other units to incorporate current industry terminology and remove ambiguity. These units will be included in the Certificate II or Certificate III in Water Industry Operations.

5. Next Fundamental Webinar 15 September 2022

Lock it in your diaries - On 15 September at 10am, qldwater will be hosting a Fundamental Webinar on Trickling Filters, presented by Terry Fagg from Western Downs Regional Council!

Registration is now open.

6. Clontarf Foundation Update - SEQ Employment Forum

Anna and Des attended the Clontarf Foundation South-East Queensland Employment Forum on Thursday 25 August

 The forum was held at Bond University with seven industry partners in attendance to speak with students about what training and employment opportunities there are with their company. The students were able to spend several minutes at each table before moving on, there was also the opportunity to mingle during lunch.

To read more, please see our blog post here.

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