Skills eFlash #117

Skills eFlash #117

Skills eFlash #117
Date: 01-Jun-2023

In this edition: Skills Forum 8 June 2023 at Eagle Farm | Meet and Greet the new qldwater CEO | Nominations for QLD Operator of the Year sponsored by Australian Water Association | QLD Young Operator of the Year sponsored by qldwater | QLD Operator of the Year (Civil All Rounder) sponsored by qldwater 

1. Skills Forum 2023 – 8 June 2023 at qldwater Offices 

Registrations are open and filling fast for the 6th Annual Skills Forum taking place at our offices in Eagle Farm this year.

The theme of the event is Hi Vis; raising the profile of the urban water sector, which seems so critical at this moment in time for so many reasons.

The program has topics and presentations which speak to both raising that sector profile to the wider world, raising the profile internally within businesses which water teams are embedded in, and also the visibility and profile of members or sections of those team units.

Morning tea and lunch will be provided during the day, which runs from 9am to 5pm.

The full program along with links to registrations can be accessed here. 

2. Meet and greet our new qldwater CEO, Dr Georgina Davis - 8 June 2023 

There will be an opportunity to meet and greet our new CEO Dr Georgina Davis after the Skills Forum event concludes at 5pm, with post event drinks.

Georgina has a strong history in advocacy and leading peak bodies including as CEO for the Waste and Recycling Industry Queensland (WRIQ) and previously the Queensland Farmers’ Federation.

She brings to the table a great understanding of water planning, pricing, legislation, and the impacts of emerging contaminants which are also prevalent in the waste management and recycling sector.

Previously with Energy Skills Queensland, Georgina completed workforce plans and workforce development strategies, understanding the challenge to attract and retain good staff, and the safety and wellbeing impacts on those left to carry the burden for an understaffed workforce.

She looks forward to getting to grips with her new role at qldwater and to meeting our members and stakeholders at the Skills Forum.

3. WIOA Qld Operators of the Year Nominations and Awards 2023 

Nominations for QLD Operator of the Year sponsored by Australian Water Association, QLD Young Operator of the Year sponsored by qldwater, and QLD Operator of the Year (Civil All Rounder) sponsored by qldwater will close on Monday 19 June 2023 

QLD Young Operator of the Year 

The award introduced in 2010, aims to provide encouragement to young water industry employees, to recognise excellent performance, initiative and all round attention to detail.

To be eligible for consideration the nominees must:

  • be employed in the Queensland water industry and be aged under 30 yrs
  • have been employed in the water industry for less than 4 years
  • be responsible for operating community water and wastewater treatment plants/ or industrial water or wastewater plants, operation and maintenance or construction of water and wastewater reticulation networks etc.

Nominations are judged on the basis of submissions from employers covering:

  • Commitment to and demonstrating a strong OHS ethic in all work performed 
  • Commitment to undertaking training and then implementation of skills learned into the workplace 
  • Commitment to teamwork and following enterprise SOP’s etc 
  • Commitment to meeting Council/Authority and regulatory requirements in the course of all work 
  • Demonstrated use of initiative or suggestions leading to efficiency or safety improvements 
  • Any other relevant industry-based achievements. 

The winner receives a perpetual trophy for his or her organisation to keep for 12 months, a personal trophy to keep permanently and a sponsored professional development trip. 

QLD Operator of the Year (Civil All Rounder) 

The award, introduced in 2010, aims to provide encouragement to water industry employees employed in the civil construction/maintenance areas of the water industry to recognise excellent performance, initiative and all-round attention to detail. 

The criteria for the determination of the winner is:  

  • Nominees should be employed in Queensland and should have direct responsibility for the operation and maintenance or construction of water and wastewater reticulation networks. 
  • The winner receives a perpetual trophy for his or her organisation to keep for 12 months, a personal trophy to keep permanently and a sponsored professional development trip. 

Nomination forms can be found here.

The 2023 winners will be announced at the 47th WIOA Queensland Water Industry Operations Conference & Exhibition to be held at the University of Southern Queensland – USQ Stadium in Sippy Downs on the Sunshine Coast on Thursday 20 July 2023.

Kind Regards,


qldwater is a business unit of IPWEAQ

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