Skills eFlash #123

Skills eFlash #123

Skills eFlash #123
Date: 06-Nov-2023

In this edition: Micro Credentials Program update | Continued Partnership with the RSL | Queensland Water Strategy and the Urban Water Risk Assessments | and much more! 

1. qldwater Micro-Credentials project update 

The Service Agreement with the Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training (DYJESBT) has now been executed and work is underway on the process of developing the micro-credentials (MC).

Our delivery partners will develop the content based on the topic areas that Water Skills Partners previously identified as being of interest namely:

  • Fluoridation of Water Supplies in Qld for Operators & Non-Operators / Regulators (2 separate MC streams)
  • SCADA Introduction 
  • Making Use of Water Quality Data 
  • Drinking Water Quality Management Plans – Practical Implications 

The MCs will be developed over the coming months, with a planned launch in April 2024. Delivery to cohorts will be undertaken using a mixture of face to face and online delivery (dependent upon content), but with a view to affording maximum availability possible for attendees.

Costs for enrolment will be subsidised by the DYJESBT funding for the program leaving an equal contribution from members as employers, significantly reducing the costs for participation for all.

Further updates will follow in future Skills e-Flashes, across Zoho networks and on LinkedIn, so please keep your eyes peeled!

If you or colleagues need help with, or to be added to subscriptions to any of our e-Flashes, Skills e-Flashes, Zoho groups or other social media channels please reach out to and we’ll add you to the list so you’re updated on all things skills/training for the water sector.

2. qldwater’s Continued Partnership with the RSL 

Our partnership with the RSL goes from strength to strength, with members expressing interest and beginning to connect. RSL Employment have profiled 16 candidates that are highly skilled and ready to employ right now.

These candidates have a wealth of skills and experience ranging from project management, human resources, nursing, engineering and more.

Click here to see the candidates, and contact if you would like to discuss a candidate with the RSL employment team.

3. New Queensland Water Strategy & Urban Water Risk Assessment 

The Queensland Government’s new Queensland Water Strategy was launched in October during National Water Week.

Developed in consultation with the water industry, stakeholders and the community, the strategy harnesses the strong partnerships and collaborative approach the Queensland Government has with communities across Queensland, to meet challenges and create future opportunities when it comes to water security.

Also in the spotlight last month was the $2.6 million Urban Water Risk Assessment (UWRA), a vital program of work being undertaken by the Queensland Government to help remote and regional communities identify and address water and sewerage service needs.

qldwater is working with other stakeholders on the UWRA across all elements of the project, providing sector intelligence and information to the team at DRDMW and their consultants. 

Skills, training and workforce challenges are naturally a significant part of the landscape, with member experiences and our Industry Workforce Snapshot Report data forming part of our dialogue to the group on behalf of our members.

4. Consultation - Supporting women and girls in male-dominated industries 

As part of the Women's economic security package announced in June 2023, the Queensland Government are in the initial stages of developing a grant program to support women and girls' participation and leadership in male-dominated industries.

To inform this development, the Office for Women are seeking industry input to understand current efforts to support women in male-dominated industries, including what initiatives have been working well, identifying gaps and priority areas of need, and additional opportunities. 

There is a short survey to complete. If you would like to provide additional input, you are welcome to contact the Office for Women to arrange a time for further discussion. 

Further information about the survey and background to this initiative is available via the survey link, which will be open until Monday 20 November 2023. 

If anyone completing the survey has any queries, please reach out to the team directly at

5. Jobs Queensland Workforce Planning for the Regions 

Jobs Queensland’s new resource – Workforce planning for regions guide – has been designed to acknowledge that our regions are varied by economic diversity, employment opportunities and challenges.

Each region requires a highly skilled workforce that aligns with the unique and natural advantages of their region. Workforce planning is just one of the ways we can help our regions grow.

To find out more and download your copy of the guide, head here.

6. Water Quality Fundamentals Training – more dates from TPS 

TPS Precision Measurement have a long history (founded 1968) of manufacture of water quality testing equipment, all made here in Australia. They are also the preferred partner of the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee.

They’ve released more dates for their brand agnostic training which would equip operators and technicians with the expertise to maximise the potential of water quality equipment. Training dates are below with food and refreshments included:

  • 17/11/23 (Brisbane 9am to 5pm)
  • 8/12/23 (Brisbane 9am to 5pm)
  • 19/1/24 (Brisbane 9am to 5pm)

This training experience provides knowledge and training on:

  • The top five water parameters (pH, ORP, EC, DO and NTU)
  • Good measurement practise
  • Sensor technology
  • Accuracy and verification
  • Equipment care
  • Calibration
  • Troubleshooting techniques
  • Best practice sensor storage

For more information and to register, click here.

7. Workforce Evolve transforming employment practices 

Business Chamber Queensland knows that hiring and retaining the right people is one of the biggest constraints on business growth.

To help employers address labour shortages, the free Workforce Evolve program is designed to help Queensland employers think differently about who they hire and how to retain them in the future.

Delivered through six online, flexible modules, Workforce Evolve will give employers the skills they need to make the most of a diverse and inclusive workforce. Each module includes the option to book a Coaching Session with a Workforce Coach for personalised learning support at each stage of the program.

This project is proudly funded by the Queensland Government through its Workforce Connect Fund.

Register here for Workforce Evolve .

8. Attracting and retaining engineers from migrant backgrounds: A guide for employers 

Engineers Australia, Consult Australia and the Queensland Government have partnered to explore ways to maximise employment opportunities for migrants in the engineering industry, helping to meet industry workforce shortages.

The next decade is forecast to see increased demand for a qualified engineering and technical workforce in Queensland, driven by significant investment in infrastructure projects and changing workforce demographics. Thinking differently and innovatively about workforce attraction and retention will assist employers to meet this demand.

Attracting and Retaining Engineers from Migrant Backgrounds: A Guide for Employers (the Guide) provides practical advice and information to tap into the pool of international skills and knowledge of people from migrant backgrounds with engineering qualifications that are often underutilised.

The Guide is a key outcome of the partnership between government and industry representatives, in consultation with engineering employers and migrant employment and support specialists.

9. EOI Workforce Planning Course | Taking EOIs for 2024 – a reminder! 

Throughout 2023 the University of the Sunshine Coast has been running a series of FREE courses designed to help Queensland business owners and managers fully understand their workforce by developing an agile, flexible workforce plan to respond to changes in the business environment. The bad news is that the popular series has now ended – the great news is that they’re back in 2024!

The Workforce Planning Course is proudly supported by DYJESBT in partnership with Jobs Queensland.

Employing principles of workforce planning and by examining the operational, tactical and strategic focus, the plan will complement and integrate into an organisation’s overall business planning. 

The course is open to business owners and managers located in Queensland and is also a great way to experience what it is like to study at university and open up a pathway into a higher-level qualification. Upon completion of all modules and submission of assessment items, you will be eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion and a credit for one elective course in UniSC's Graduate Certificate in Business Administration.

The content is delivered as workshops within this short course. The weekly schedule includes the development of a customised workforce plan and helps businesses to respond to workforce needs, challenges and changes. Topics covered will include stakeholder planning and analysis, creating a workforce profile and identifying workforce supply and demand dynamics. 

Participants are welcome to attend in person at UniSC locations or via Zoom. 

If you’d like to take part, please express your interest here.

Based on previous experience, places will fill up fast so please be quick!

Upcoming Events 

9-10 November - AWA QWater, Brisbane 

Kind Regards,


qldwater is a business unit of IPWEAQ

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