Skills eFlash #89

Skills eFlash #89

Skills eFlash #89
Date: 01-Jul-2020

Fundamentals Webinar Recording

Thanks to those who joined us for our first ‘Fundamentals’ webinar on media filter backwashing, presented by Terry Fagg from Western Downs Regional Council. We received very positive feedback with members telling us they found it ‘very informative’ and that it sparked a lot of discussion and consideration of processes at their own treatment plants.

Employees of qldwater members and Water Skills Partners can view a recording of the webinar on our website. You need to be logged in to be able to access the recording and then click on this link; or from the navigation select Programs – Skills and Training – Fundamentals Webinars.

We are working through plans for our next ‘Fundamentals’ webinar and will advise a date when details are confirmed. Any volunteers that would like to present are encouraged to contact Carlie Sargent on 07 3632 6853 or

Last Chance to Review the Draft Certificate IV in Water Industry Operations

The Technical Advisory Committee has finalised the draft qualification and units of competency for the revised Certificate IV in Water Industry Operations and released the materials for a final round of feedback.

You can view the draft materials at: A link to provide feedback is available with the draft materials and is due by close of business Monday, 6 July 2020.

Review of High Pressure Water Jetting Units of Competency

The Process Manufacturing, Recreational Vehicle and Laboratory Industry Reference Committee (IRC) responsible for the Manufacturing Training Package has commenced a review of the High Pressure Water Jetting units of competency and associated skill sets. A number of Queensland water industry employers use these units as part of their water industry worker training and qldwater has been part of a national taskforce to provide input on the water industry’s requirements for use of high pressure water jetters.

Our feedback has been provided to the IRC and the units will be re-drafted and made available for a further round of public comment in the coming months. More information about the review is available at:

WIOA Virtual Water Conference and Expo

In the absence of opportunities for face to face events, WIOA is launching a virtual conference and expo platform - Virtual Water. 

Virtual Water is a highly interactive, 3-D virtual environment featuring video-streamed presentations with live Q&A and interaction with product and service providers on the expo floor. The event will feature twelve ‘Live Days’, commencing on Wednesday, 22 July 2020 with a keynote presentation from Dr Steve Hrudey, internationally renowned researcher, educator, communicator, author and a tireless advocate for scientific excellence and safe drinking water. 

Registration will provide you with access to the exhibition hall that will showcase the latest in products and services to the water industry. 

qldwater is supporting the event and as such, all qldwater members and Water Skills Partners will have free access to the first live day on 22 July, including Dr Hrudey’s keynote, as well as the second live day hosted by the Intelligent Water Networks on July 29. You will need to register at using the free registration option. 

Skills Advocacy

qldwater through the Water Skills Partnership and in our role as an Industry Skills Advisor to the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) and as a member of the Water Industry Reference Committee, is regularly asked to provide input to policy and investment decisions to support the skilling and training needs of the Queensland water industry workforce. The following is an overview of recent and other related activities:

The Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) has responded to the federal government’s request for industry feedback on COVID stimulus opportunities by engaging with qldwater, the NSW Water Directorate and others to propose initiatives to support regional, rural and remote Australia.  These include water efficiency, digital utility and other activities, but of interest to skilling is a proposal to develop an independent water training centre, which if successful would:

  • Develop modern training and assessment resources for the National Water Training Package
  • Provide resources in an open source environment
  • Develop a National Treatment Plant Process Database to understand needs and provide support in emergencies (eg, sharing of resources between regions).

qldwater will be providing a response to the interim report on the Productivity Commission’s Review of the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development. qldwater provided an initial submission which you can read in our resource library and we will share any future responses with you. Feedback is welcome to Carlie Sargent at 

In late 2019, qldwater participated in a number of co-design workshops to inform the establishment of the National Skills Commission and National Careers Institute. The National Skills Commission has just released its first report, ‘A snapshot in time: Australia’s Labour Market and COVID-19’ which provides data on the impacts of COVID-19 on Australia’s workforce, skills and labour market and provides some commentary on future skills predictions. 

We read recently that Thames Water in the UK removed some ‘masculine words’ from their job advertisements and found they had a significant surge in female applicants. Read the news item here: There are some good suggestions for replacing a couple of words and phrases to assist in attracting more applicants to vacant roles. 

We’ve Moved!

qldwater has taken up residence with the rest of IPWEAQ in lovely new accommodation at Level 1, 6 Eagleview Place, Eagle Farm. Come and visit us if you’re in the area!  

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