Watering the Basin

Watering the Basin

Watering the Basin
Date: 23-Jan-2020

Water service providers from across the QWRAP Downs and Surat Basin (DASB) Region gathered for a Water Operator’s Forum on 19 December 2019 to share knowledge about water operations in their part of the State. 

According to event organiser Leigh Cook, Acting Utilities Manager at Western Downs Regional Council, the forum was a great success with 35 attendees connecting to learn more about a range of topics including skills and training, network management, bores, reverse osmosis and more. 

“The highlight of the day for me was the skills test where participants were required to compete by reassembling a dose pump and transferring a small quantity of water,” Leigh said.

“Congratulations to Marcus Boyd from Toowoomba Regional Council and team who ultimately ignored the repair and performed the function of the dose pump personally to take the win!”

The day included a mix of information sharing presentations as well as hands on displays of fog machines and gas trailers. 

A site tour of the Dalby Water Treatment Plant was a nice wrap up of Western Downs' presentations on bore and desalination technology.

The DASB Region includes Goondiwindi, Maranoa, Toowoomba, Balonne and Western and Southern Downs Regional Councils representing a population of over 260,000 people.

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