Expressions of Interest - SWIM Project Officer Position

Expressions of Interest - SWIM Project Officer Position

Expressions of Interest - SWIM Project Officer Position
Date: 29-Jun-2017

Pat Morgan will be leaving qldwater during November to start his medical degree.  While it’s a bit premature to be farewelling him, he has been a great contributor to the project and we will be sad to see him go.

Fortunately we have been able to plan towards his departure for some time and are now calling for expressions of interest in the project officer role, with the view of appointing someone soon to enable a handover period.

The job will not formally be advertised for a couple of weeks, but if you have an interest in working on this growing program or know anyone who would fit the role description, available on our website or by request to 07 3252 4701, please consider expressing an interest by Tuesday 18 October.

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