Last week the Queensland Water Supply Regulator made available two new documents to guide Water Service Providers in meeting their regulatory requirements under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act.
Both documents are available on the qldwater website – members must log in first to access these documents. The first is a fact sheet outlining the type of information that should be included in new Customer Service Standards (CSS). As reported in previous e Flashes, the new regulatory framework requires that all service providers review and reissue CSS by the end of 2014. The fact sheet provides an overview of what should be included in the new CSS and shows that they needn’t be complex documents to meet statutory requirements.
The second document is a template to assist Service Providers in completing their annual report on their Drinking Water Quality Management Plan available here. Following the template is not mandatory: many service providers may have developed a reporting format already and this is fine so long as reports cover all the information specified under the Act – see . However, the new template provides useful advice and will ensure consistency in reporting from year to year.
For further information or assistance please contact your relevant Water Supply Regulator officer, or contact Rob Fearon at qldwater ( or phone 3632 6850).
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