Aquatec Maxcon Win Vendor Pitch

Aquatec Maxcon Win Vendor Pitch

Aquatec Maxcon Win Vendor Pitch
Date: 18-Oct-2019

A couple of years ago qldwater established the Queensland Water Regional Communities Innovation Program (QWRCIP), a charitable venture aimed at helping address urban water and sewerage challenges facing small and remote communities. The scholarships are offered to staff from these communities to attend regional events as well as the Annual Forum week which includes the two day event, the qldwater TRG meeting, and knowledge exchange and time spent with mentors from other larger Queensland Utilities.

QWRCIP Scholarships are funded through the Annual Forum Vendor Showcase which allows sponsors to give a ten minute presentation at our premier annual event to pitch their products to attendees. Presentations are judged, and this year Mark Wiltshire from Aquatec Maxcon took home the prize after proving that their products were the best thing since, well, sliced bread!

We asked Mark some questions to get a better understanding of why they decided to invest in this program, and to tell us a bit more about their products and services.

1. Can you please tell us why you decided to participate in the vendor pitch at our Annual Forum, and what does your win mean for your organisation?

We have been supporting all of the Water Directorate’s forums across Queensland and the annual forum is a great way to cap off the tour. It’s also great to see so many QLD water industry managers and decision makers at this forum in particular and to be able to participate in the feedback sessions that the Water Directorate facilitate and take back to policy makers. 

We are very grateful to have an opportunity to showcase Aquatec Maxcon’s role in the water industry to this key audience. Like the Water Directorate, we like to offer different perspectives on our work and present it in a more interactive and fun way. So it’s great to feel that the audience appreciate our efforts and acknowledge our messages.

2. What are you / your organisation trying to achieve with the urban water sector, and what excites you?

Aquatec Maxcon build and upgrade water and wastewater plants. From this solutions-based focus we have grown a products and technology supply and service business. So the innovation capacity we have in design flows through to our products and services. This is shown throughout our 50 year history where we frequently introduced new more efficient and effective treatment technologies to the Australian and overseas markets. Many of these technologies are now accepted business as usual approaches such as MBR, Aquablade fine bubble diffusers, Nereda granular sludge treatment etc. 

Aquatec Maxcon is very much at the ‘doing’ end of the urban water sector and applying that great body of knowledge and experience to share and innovate at the cutting edge of industry is very exciting.

3. What do you think about the current technologies available now and what it means for the water industry?

The key drivers of climate change and increased urban densification and development in the water sector are focussing emerging technologies on more compact, lower cost, lower carbon solutions with greater automation. More importantly, these drivers are requiring water asset managers to adopt new ways of doing things in shorter timeframes. Aquatec Maxcon sees great opportunity to apply these technologies in the water sector and more specifically help water asset managers adopt and integrate these into their businesses.

4. Is there anything exciting in the pipeline that you are looking at bringing to the market?

Aquatec Maxcon have entered the modular, low carbon wastewater treatment space with the Fluence MABR packaged treatment system. The MABR system provides small to medium sized towns and commercial sites with low cost, simple to manage secondary and tertiary wastewater treatment systems. The modular design allows the systems to scale up or be moved to different locations. We are receiving great interest and feedback on how the MABR design can be utilised by our clients, so we are very excited for the future of this product in rural, regional and emerging urban communities.

The UV water disinfection sector continues to innovate and drive greater power efficiencies. In the coming year we will be introducing new much more compact and power efficient water and wastewater products.

Read more about Aquatec Maxon's products and services from the links below.

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