Toowoomba’s Mt Kynoch Scheme – Voted Best Tasting Tap Water in Australia!

Toowoomba’s Mt Kynoch Scheme – Voted Best Tasting Tap Water in Australia!

Toowoomba’s Mt Kynoch Scheme – Voted Best Tasting Tap Water in Australia!
Date: 05-Oct-2017

We are thrilled to announce that the Queensland entry, Toowoomba Regional Council’s Mt Kynoch Scheme has been voted the top drop at the Ixom Best Tasting Tap Water in Australia competition held earlier today.  Launceston City Council provided the Launceston Mall for the competition and the public were invited to take part in the blind tasting of a sample from each of the States winning water. 150 tasters made the final decision and the competition was fierce.

The water from Toowoomba’s Mt Kynoch Scheme had already been judged the best in Queensland at the qldwater 2016 Ixom Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test. Today the Toowoomba sample was up against Icon Water (ACT/NSW), Morgan (SA); Fenton/New Norfolk (Tas) and Goulburn Valley Water’s Merrijig (Vic).   The samples were judged on a variety of features including colour, clarity and odour.  Craig Mathieson from WIOA, who hosted the competition said that the best water had to be clear and transparent but the true test was taste.    Photos of today’s event are available on the WIOA SmugMug webpage.

Toowoomba will now go on to represent Australia at the International Water Tasting Competition to be held in the USA in February 2018.

We congratulate all the State winners in getting to this stage of the competition and particularly Toowoomba Regional Council on their great win.   Here’s to taking on the world! 

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