qldwater Blog

eFlash #445

eFlash #445
Date: 12-Aug-2020

In this edition: Draft Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA) Standard for Sewage Pumping Stations | Fraser Coast Regional Council – Process Engineer Position Vacant | WSAA Submission – Asbestos-Cement Water and Sewer Pipe Management Guidelines | COVID-19 Border Restrictions Update – What you need to know | Essentials Webinar Reminder | Sigura Taste Test – it's game on! | Did you know! 

1. Draft environmentally relevant activity (ERA) standard for sewage pumping stations

The Department of Environment and Science has released the draft ERA Standard for sewage pumping stations (SPS) for public submissions. This Standard will replace the existing eligibility criteria and standard conditions currently contained with the Code of environmental compliance and will apply to operating a SPS with a total design capacity of more than 40KL in an hour (i.e. ERA 63(3) requirements). 

The proposed new ERA standard will apply to new activities. Existing operators will be able to apply to amend current environmental authority to align with the new ERA standard. This means in effect that the Standard is not planned to be retrospectively applied. 

A copy of the draft ERA standard and details about how to make a written submission are available on the department’s website. qldwater will be making a joint submission so comments and suggestions are welcomed to rfearon@qldwater.com.au for inclusion. Please send any notes through by Friday 11th September or contact Rob for further information. Submissions are due to the Department by 16 September at 5pm and enquiries to the Department should be emailed to RRS.Consultation@des.qld.gov.au.

2. Fraser Coast Regional Council – Process Engineer Position Vacant

Join Fraser Coast Regional Council and live and work in paradise! Reporting directly to the Executive Manager, Process Operations, you will be the first point of contact for all advice and insight regarding process and chemical engineering activities, with a specific focus on water/wastewater treatment optimisation, troubleshooting, upgrades and renewals. You will provide key strategic and operational direction and support across a broad range of planning and capital programs while also mentoring and inspiring teams to work collaboratively towards positive project outcomes. 

Find out more at: http://www.mcarthur.com.au/job-search/?advertId=8867.

3. WSAA Submission – Asbestos-Cement Water and Sewer Pipe Management Guidelines

As per eFlash #442, WSAA has been consulting with the Queensland and NSW Water Directorates on the development of the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency’s (ASEA) new guidelines on AC Water and Sewer Pipe Management.

WSAA has completed its submission which is available here for review.

There has been some member feedback since the last eFlash expressing interest in qldwater investigating seeking a blanket exemption for AC sewer pipe cleaning using high pressure water jetting equipment from WHS Queensland. While uncommon, members report that the practice is necessary for clearing certain blockages, and in preparation for works including relining. This will be considered by our Strategic Priorities Group in the coming weeks.

4. COVID-19 Border Restrictions Update – What you need to know

DNRME has been releasing regular updates on border restrictions to Water Service Providers, and we have been summarising details for inclusion on the Zoho forum site periodically. It is possible that employees of some members need to see this information and may not be on relevant distribution lists, so we have produced a summary below of major announcements in the last couple of weeks.

 1. The border restrictions that recently came into force (see Border Restrictions Direction No. 11) should not impact freight, but introduce a new process for essential water and sewerage workers coming from COVID-19 hotspots (currently Victoria, NSW and ACT). A               person performing the essential activity of transporting freight requires only a Queensland Border Declaration pass and is exempt from quarantine requirements provided they remain isolated from the general public in their vehicle or accommodation. Other essential               water and sewerage workers require a 'specialist worker exemption'.

2. If a role is critical and cannot be performed by someone already in Queensland, registered water service and sewerage providers can apply for a specialist worker exemption using an online form and following new guidelines. The application is processed by DNRME            which provides advice to the Chief Health Officer. DNRME has made it clear that approvals will only be granted for critical works.

Previous exemptions are no longer valid. After receiving an exemption, a Queensland Border Declaration Pass will still be required but this second application cannot be made until the exemption has been granted.

5. Essentials Webinar Reminder

The next 90 minute session will be held on 20 August 2020 – you can register using this link.

We have three speakers covering a diversity of topics:

  • Jenna Baas from Sunwater will speak on "The Sunwater Cultural Journey", reprising her very well received presentation from the Water Skills Forum back in March. 
  • Dr Yarong Song from the Advanced Water Management Centre at UQ will outline her research "Protect Sewer: Investigate sewer corrosion using multidisciplinary techniques"
  • Sean Askew from Bundaberg Regional Council will speak on "Our program management software – Monday.com. Capital delivery success…"

6. Sigura Taste Test – it’s game on!

On Monday we gave Stuart Boyd a call to have a chat about Mackay’s success in the Queensland, National and International taste tests. Watch Stu lay down the challenge in this post, where he also outlines the secrets to success.

So far we have received six entry forms – we will be in touch to arrange a Teams meeting with each entrant to hear more about the sample you have decided to enter – the source, the treatment and any other interesting bits of information that make you believe you can knock Mackay off their perch and hopefully get the World title! The recording will be done in the same way Stu was recorded in the post above, so nothing to be afraid of.

You have to be in it to win it, so get your entry forms in by COB on Friday, 14 August

Then, get your samples ready and ship two litres of your liquid gold to Level 1, 6 Eagleview Place, Eagle Farm by Wednesday, 9 September 2020

HOT TIP: If you want your sample to taste pure and crisp, send your samples in glass bottles, not plastic! Don’t let a rookie error ruin your chances.

The event will be run through GoToWebinar – register here to lock it into your diary. Next week we’ll tell you more about the panel, the trivia and how things will work on the day, but you can rest assured that it will be a fun and interactive event not to be missed!

7. Did you know!

Did you know the Resource Library is going to be reorganised soon because we’re getting so many contract and specification listings we think people are going to struggle to find the good stuff? If you have to start a procurement process for any product or service purchase, it’s worth a look here first to see what you can borrow from members and other utilities’ hard work.

We are always after member sample documents but they are hard to get. In anticipation of what might be coming in the next little while from our colleagues in QG, we are really keen to gather any drought management plans or water security planning documents your organisation might currently have in use.

Next week we hope to have the program available and registrations open for our Atherton Mini-conference event in October - both in person and online. Thanks to all who’ve contributed presentations – it's going to be awesome!

qldwater is a business unit of IPWEAQ

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