IPWEA Queensland 2017 Excellence Awards Winners

IPWEA Queensland 2017 Excellence Awards Winners

IPWEA Queensland 2017 Excellence Awards Winners
Date: 27-Oct-2017

IPWEA Queensland presented its Excellence Awards at the Queensland State Conference and Gala Dinner held in Townsville this week.  We congratulate all award nominees and winners at the awards and particularly the recipients of the Water Project Awards:

Water Projects over $5 million - Wide Bay Burnett Regional Organisation of Councils

The Wide Bay Burnett Regional Organisation of Councils (WBBROC) collected the award for water projects over $5 million for its Joint Sewer Rehabilitation Program, supported through the Queensland Water Regional Alliance Program.

After an extensive period of planning, the collaborative group delivered a large scale joint procurement of sewer relining services to extend the life of sewer assets and deliver efficiencies for water and sewerage customers due to the significant efforts of the collaborating councils, and specific leadership of Fraser Coast Regional Council.   

Water Projects $2 million to $5 million – Bundaberg Regional Council

The Burnett River Discharge Facility for Rubyanna Wastewater Treatment Plant is the result of significant planning to address regional growth, regulatory compliance and to improve water quality in the Burnett River. The project attracted cultural heritage challenges, time and cost pressures but technical innovation delivered a river pipeline through an environmentally sensitive river bank, protecting the cultural heritage significance of the area and ensuring that the final flood resilient solution was fit for purpose.

Water Projects under $2 million – Outback Regional Water Alliance

The Outback Regional Water Alliance comprising of Barcaldine Regional Council, Barcoo Shire Council, Blackall-Tambo Regional Council, Boulia Shire Council, Diamantina Shire Council, Longreach Regional Council and Winton Shire Council has taken out the award for water projects under $2 million for its Regional Outback Water Quality Infrastructure Program.

The infrastructure program, seeks to bring improved water quality to the region through collaboration and innovative approaches whilst meeting the individual needs of each of the communities across the seven contributing councils.

Over the past twelve months the alliance has delivered infrastructure works and cleaning on water reservoirs, joint audits of Drinking Water Quality Management Plans along with inspections, condition assessments and cleaning of water mains across the region.  The collaboration is supported through the Queensland Water Regional Alliance Program.

Innovation in Water Award – Mareeba Shire Council

Mareeba Shire Council has also taken out two accolades at this year’s Excellence Awards.  The Council collected the award for innovation in water, waste water, sewerage and drought management for the upgrade of Mareeba’s Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Council completed a $16 million upgrade to the Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant to cater for population growth over a 20-year horizon and deliver significant environmental benefits. Through innovative planning, Council has upgraded the existing infrastructure to deliver a cost-effective wastewater treatment solution at half the cost of a new treatment plant. 

Mareeba Shire Council’s Acting Director Infrastructure Services Glenda Kirk also took home the Woman in Engineering Award. 

As Acting Director Infrastructure Services, Ms Kirk has been responsible for the delivery of a number of council’s large scale and complex engineering projects including the award-winning Mareeba Sewerage Treatment Plant Upgrade and the partially completed Mareeba Airport Upgrade. Ms Kirk is well recognised for her strong leadership and professional approach and she delivers projects on time and within budget for the benefit of the Mareeba community.

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