Skills eFlash #103

Skills eFlash #103

Skills eFlash #103
Date: 13-Dec-2021

In this edition: Enrolments Open for New SCADA Micro-Credential| Skills Forum 2022| Promoting Water Industry Career Opportunities| Australian Training Awards| Skills Advocacy| TAFE Job Vacancy| Upcoming Events

1. Enrolments Open for New SCADA Micro-Credential

qldwater’s SCADA Micro-Credential is now online and open for enrolments! We received a very positive response to the EOI we sent last month and have set up a number of virtual workshops to commence in February next year. There are two course types:

  • Two x full days
  • Four x half days

Full details of course dates and timing are on listed on the micro-credential website.

Due to the strong demand for this course and finite funds available as part of the pilot program, we are limiting enrolments to a maximum of four participants per organisation. We are very grateful to DESBT for its support of this pilot to date and for continuing to fund this new micro-credential and also to DRDMW which has provided additional funding to support more enrolments. Workshop enrolments will be accepted on a first come, first served basis, up to four learners per organisation. If additional funding becomes available, we will add more course dates and advise if additional enrolments from each organisation can be accepted. Please email if you are keen to add more enrolments and we’ll contact you if that becomes an option.

Enrol now to secure your place!

2. Skills Forum 2022

Planning is well underway for the 2022 Water Skills Forum to be held on 3 March with the theme: Water as an essential service: securing a sustainable workforce.

The idea is to step through the career pipeline including pre-vocational, VET, traineeships, graduate programs, postgrad research in partnership with service providers, transition to management and retirement. The draft forum program has been finalised and we are in the process of inviting speakers at the time of writing. 

There is strong enthusiasm again for this event and we are hoping to link to our new education strategy, focussing on building awareness with the Queensland Government of growing challenges facing the sector.

3. Promoting Water Industry Career Opportunities

qldwater’s new Water Careers Website now includes a recording of a presentation recently delivered by Carlie Sargent and Kathryn Turner about water industry career opportunities. It is a useful overview for school students, teachers and careers guidance counsellors to improve awareness of key industry job roles, training pathways and variety of opportunities to have a positive impact on Queensland communities. You can view a recording of that presentation on the home page of our new careers site at:

Contact with any feedback or queries about the careers website.

4. Australian Training Awards

The Water Skills Partnership didn’t end up winning the National Australian Training Award, but it was great to be recognised at a State level and to be a national finalist.

Congratulations to the Canberra Institute of Technology Renewable Energy Industry Collaboration, winners of the Industry Collaboration Award, and a special mention to Queensland student Kasey Hardy for taking out the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year Award. Follow this link to see all the winners and finalists.

5. Skills Advocacy 

qldwater through the Water Skills Partnership and in our role as an Industry Skills Advisor to the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) and as a member of the Water Industry Reference Committee, is regularly asked to provide input to policy and investment decisions to support the skilling and training needs of the Queensland water industry workforce. The following is an overview of recent and other related activities:

Workforce Summit

The State Minister had flagged a possible workforce summit to be held in the first quarter of 2022.

VET Reforms

The Vocational Education and Training system is undergoing a significant reform process, updates are available at:

National Water Training Package 

A number of new NWP units of competency and a skill set have been approved for development. Project updates are available at:

Training Investment Support

We have two active funding proposals in play with the State at present, one to increase higher level skills funding and the other to support a “competency cluster” trial which is aimed at helping to modernise existing water operations qualifications for some employees. 

6. TAFE Job Vacancy

TAFE Queensland (Skillstech) is looking for teachers in water operations…

If you have specialised expertise in areas of drinking water and wastewater treatment and a desire to impart your extensive industry knowledge to students, then we would like to hear from you!

As a TAFE Teacher you can help influence the careers of future tradespersons by delivering resources in a face-to-face, practical environment, and by mentoring distance students. We are looking for someone who is flexible, innovative and adaptable to the changing demands of training markets and industry needs, with the capability to design training and assessment resources for our diverse range of students.

Mandatory Requirements

  • possession of relevant formal vocational qualifications Certificate IV in drinking water and/or wastewater treatment (Minimum Cert III in Drinking Water and/or Wastewater Treatment);
  • demonstrate a broad range of current industry skills and experience in drinking water and/or wastewater treatment and/or Water Networks

To become a TAFE Queensland teacher you must hold one of the following qualifications (or demonstrate a commitment to obtain before commencement):

  • TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment plus TAEASS502* and TAELLN411*
  • TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • Diploma in Vocational Education and Training
  • A higher level qualification in adult education

*For those holding a TAE40110 these two additional units are required to be obtained to meet compliance requirements.

Highly Desirable Requirements

  • trade waste and/or networks operations skills and knowledge
  • willingness to occasionally travel for delivery of face to face programs

To apply for this position, please include a cover letter outlining your suitability for the role, a current resume, copies of relevant qualifications and contact details for two (2) referees.



Business Manager

TAFE Queensland

p: 07 3244 0938

m: +614 2966 5672


7. Upcoming Events 

  • Skills Forum 2022
  • Fundamentals Webinar Feb 22 – “Common Challenges and Controls for Water Reuse” Ben McClatchie, Fraser Coast Regional Council
  • Fundamentals Webinar March 15 – “Presence/ Absence E.coli Testing” Terry Fagg, Western Downs Regional Council

For more upcoming events, visit:

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