Skills eFlash #119

Skills eFlash #119

Skills eFlash #119
Date: 19-Jul-2023

Latest Snapshot Report Released!

Since 2010, the Queensland Water Directorate (qldwater) has produced biennial Workforce Composition Snapshot Reports to track trends in skills and training, using data gathered from a representative sample of Queensland urban water service providers and a range of other sources.

The 2022 Snapshot Report is the seventh iteration of the Queensland Urban Water Industry Workforce Composition Snapshot Report. While responding organisations have differed for each reporting period and there may be variability in some results, the sample has consistently maintained a good cross-section of responding utilities of different sizes and geographic variation.

There are currently no national studies which attempt to capture this information, and feedback from industry and government stakeholders has been very positive since the process commenced. While limited in scope, this work provides important information to support broad industry workforce planning and investment in workforce development.

qldwater, through the Water Skills Partnership, intends to continue to improve and publish the report on a biennial basis.

Data gathered for this report was collated in late 2022, with the report drafted and issued in 2023, which marks qldwater’s 20th anniversary.

The latest report, including a snapshot of key workforce indicators, can be downloaded here.

Kind Regards,


qldwater is a business unit of IPWEAQ

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