The LNP made a number of pre-election announcements with potential impacts on qldwater members including proposed infrastructure reforms. Over the coming weeks we will include summaries of relevant announcements in e-flashes for the benefit of members. Today’s release includes new ministerial portfolios.
LNP’s 4-point pre-election water plan (all relate to South-East Queensland) SOURCE
- Amalgamate the four bulk water entities into one entity; SOURCE (recent further announcement)
- Hand back control of water distribution and retailing to councils;
- Write off non-performing water grid assets;
- Adopt a 40 year price path to repay the water grid debt over the economic life of the assets.
New ministerial structure SOURCE
Jeff Seeney - Deputy Premier, State Development Minister, Infrastructure and Planning
Tim Nicholls - Treasurer and Trade Minister
Lawrence Springborg - Health
John-Paul Langbroek - Education, Training and Employment
Scott Emerson - Transport and Main Roads
David Crisafulli - Local Government
David Gibson - Police and Community Safety
Jarrod Bleijie - Attorney-General and Justice
Bruce Flegg - Housing and Public Works
Jann Stuckey - Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and Racing
John McVeigh - Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Andrew Powell - Environment and Heritage Protection
Andrew Cripps - Natural Resources and Mines
Mark McArdle - Energy and Water Supply
Ros Bates - Science, IT, Innovation and Arts
Steve Dickson - National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing
Jack Dempsey - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Multicultural Affairs and minister assisting the Premier
Tracy Davis - Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
New Directors General
- DEEDI (new department alignment TBC) – David Edwards replaces Mark Bermingham to move to a new department. SOURCE
- DERM (new department alignment TBC) –Andrew Chesterman, formerly of Brisbane City Council replaces Jim Reeves. SOURCE
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