The Regional Development Australia Fund (RDAF) was established to provide support for the infrastructure needs of regional Australia. Nearly $1 billion has been allocated to the program (with some funding subject to the Minerals Rent Resource Tax). The program funds capital infrastructure projects which are identified as priorities by local communities.
Rounds Three and Four of the Regional Development Australia Fund (RDAF) have opened.
Round Three will provide $50 million for projects in small towns, while Round Four will provide $175 million for strategic infrastructure projects in regional Australia.
A number of proposed projects may be considered to be the normal responsibility of local governments, including upgrades to or refurbishment of sewerage systems, water pipes and stormwater drains; the construction of public amenity blocks; minor upgrades to a town centre; or the construction or refurbishment of council offices. Local, state and territory governments are responsible for local roads and access drives, roads in remote and regional centres, and bridges. Funding is available from the Commonwealth for these purposes through a number of mechanisms, including the Financial Assistance Grants and dedicated roads funding programs.
However, it is also accepted that local governments may require additional support for some of their normal activities including, for example, significant upgrades to existing infrastructure; the introduction of new, innovative systems and technologies; enhancing facilities to adopt or adapt to new technologies, or the construction of new public-use facilities. RDAF funding will be available for activities which are normally the responsibility of local, state or territory governments where a strong case for additional funding support is made.
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