A member survey to help shape our work program for 2015/16 and beyond has been emailed to the primary, secondary and tertiary contacts of our membership.
This is the first broad-scale survey we have conducted since 2013 when the state was developing the 30 year water sector strategy. The questions have been considered and refined by our Technical Reference Group (TRG) which comprises around 20 qldwater members.
The primary purpose of this work is to ground-truth our work plan which currently comprises a list of outstanding tasks and new proposals. The information you provide will help prioritise our efforts and consider supplementary funding options, where gaps exist.
If you have received the survey, it would be greatly appreciated if you could make the time to complete it and return responses to hgold@qldwater.com.au by Friday 10 July 2015.
Those who complete the survey will go into a draw to win a $100 Wish Gift Card or one of two personally signed copies of the Steve Hrudey book, Ensuring Safe Drinking Water.
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