DEWS Queensland Bulk Water Opportunities Statement released

DEWS Queensland Bulk Water Opportunities Statement released

DEWS Queensland Bulk Water Opportunities Statement released
Date: 25-Jul-2017

The QBWOS is the future strategy for bulk water security in Queensland. The aim is to get the right balance between better using the bulk water infrastructure we already have and committing to new projects for the future.

The Statement was launched last week during the Australian Water Association’s NQ Conference.  It includes a series of objectives and principles to guide decision making if government investment in infrastructure is being considered, as well as:

-        provides details of existing bulk water infrastructure in Queensland

-        provides details of water infrastructure projects that are currently, or have recently been, the subject of feasibility or environmental assessments

-        outlines water availability from existing infrastructure

-        clarifies the roles and responsibilities of government agencies, bulk water entities and water service providers in the provision of bulk water across the state

-        describes policy initiatives and opportunities under development, to support achievement of the objectives.

The QBWOS story map has also been developed to provide a spatial representation of existing (and potential) infrastructure, water entitlements, and climate related data with layers for the Queensland Globe planned for release later in 2017.

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