eFlash #439

eFlash #439

eFlash #439
Date: 19-Jun-2020

Essentials webinar 25 June

Our 10th online “essentials” networking event happened yesterday.  

High-tech tools for high risk condition assessments

by Prabhu Krishnasamy , Unitywater

Unitywater's infrastructure includes 135 critical mains that cross waterways. One of these is the 850-metre high pressure water main that services residents of Bribie Island. This main is located beneath the road bridge that services the island and as a result has no access to permit inspection. Two technologies were used to undertake condition assessment of the main. The internal assessment was made using Sahara Technology, while the external assessment was done by ARUP, which provided a panoramic visualisation of the main condition. Prabhu shares some outcomes along with lessons learned in undertaking this sort of condition assessment. 

Smart linings CRC learnings

by Daniel Muir, Urban Utilities

Urban Utilities is a partner in the WSAA led CRC-P for Smart Linings for Pipe and Infrastructure, which has the objective of conducting field trials and feeding the test results into two new Codes of Practice and four new Product Standards. The activities of the CRC-P include trials of several CIPP technologies. UU has been involved in trials of the Ventia Aqua Pipe relining technology which has been used to reline sections of 100 mm and 150 mm AC water main – initially focussed on locations where conventional renewal (replacement along the same alignment) is not feasible. Daniel provides details of the technology and some of the pitfalls and advantages that have been discovered as part of the trial. 

The recording and presentations of this webinar is now available here.

The next event will be on Thursday 25 June at 10am with the following speakers:

Kelly Hopewell, City of Gold Coast

“Managing PFAS in biosolids at the City of Gold Coast”

Kelly chairs the Australian and New Zealand Biosolids Partnership and her day job is as the Coordinator of Process Engineering at Gold Coast Water and Waste.  In biosolids we have a valuable resource which is a regulatory minefield for a number of reasons, but most topically in recent years involving Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

Kelly will provide real-world examples of the challenges experienced in managing the City of Gold Coast’s 4 STPs to be in line with the PFAS NEMP 2.0.

Neels Kloppers, Gladstone Regional Council

“CCTV and Asset Data Management at Gladstone Regional Council”

Neels is Gladstone RC’s Manager Asset Performance and Monitoring and has been responsible for attempting to drive improvement in councils’ renewal programs.  His presentation will include a bit of history on various technologies trialled including CCTV assessment and video interpretation, data management and other network infrastructure condition assessment activities.

Register for this event here.

It would be advisable to test your connection, video and audio prior to the event, if you haven’t participated before.  For more detailed instructions, click here.

qldwater COVID-19 hotspot response plan

As part of the industry response to COVID-19, qldwater has outlined a plan to assist with coordination of relief operators in the event that there is an isolated outbreak of COVID-19 during the long recovery process. The document outlines the arrangements to assist in the provision and safe deployment of relief staff to ensure that water and sewerage services are maintained for the safety of any community impacted by a COVID-19 (or similar) outbreak.

Comments or suggestions from the sector are welcomed to rfearon@qldwater.com.au (with thanks to the members who have already provided feedback on earlier drafts).

Move and personnel update

To qldwater members and stakeholders:

  • We have taken up residence with the rest of IPWEAQ in flash new accommodation at Level 1, 6 Eagleview Place, Eagle Farm. Everything appears to be working except our capacity to make outgoing landline calls – calls to the landlines should be getting diverted to mobiles.  
  • We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Naomi Carragher as our new Project Support Assistant.  Naomi commences on 6 July so you’ll start seeing her name on eflashes etc soon.
  • There are a number of impending announcements on our events program etc but we are waiting until next week, our Reference Group meets on Tuesday and we expect a few more things to be confirmed then.

Important SWIM news

Annual water and sewerage data reporting for 2019/20

Well it is coming up to that time of year again when annual water and sewerage data is collated by Water Service Providers across the State and sent to BoM, NPR, ABS and the Qld Govt. 

In the next month qldwater will be sending your SWIM representative information regarding accessing and using the SWIM system. If you have had staff changes and your SWIM reporting person from last year is no long working in this position please contact qldwater at swim@qldwater.com.au so we can ensure important information gets to the right place.

The SWIM system will be opened for reporting on July 1.

The data is due by October 1. All data requested of you through SWIM is based on mandatory/ legislated requirements – PINS can be imposed for late or missing data.

SWIM training

As there have been some changes to the annual indicators requested this year qldwater will be holding some training sessions this year. We are still trying to work out the best way to do this with COVID-19 and all but will at the very least be holding some ‘webinar’ type training.  If you would like to do some SWIM training, please let David know (contact details below) and we will work out something for you.

DNRME 4-monthly Water Security Survey

This is due 30th June via the SWIM system.

If you have any questions about SWIM please contact David Scheltinga (dscheltinga@qldwater.com.au).


Dave Cameron

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