eFlash #515

eFlash #515

eFlash #515
Date: 08-Dec-2021

In this edition: Updated Water Fluoridation Forms| Supply Chain Resilience Initiative Round 2 – for potential manufacturers of treatment chemicals| WSAA Climate Change Paper Release| WSAA Water Fueling the Path to a Hydrogen Future paper released| Call for papers Livingstone Regional Conference 2022| Christmas message| qldwater Resource Library – links to over 70 recorded presentations!

1. Updated Water Fluoridation Forms

Further to last month’s communication detailing the publication of the revised Queensland’s Water Fluoridation Code of Practice, the Water Unit is pleased to advise that the updated versions of the water fluoridation approved forms are now available on the Queensland Health website.

The updated forms, listed below (with weblinks), are provided assist water providers to comply with their obligations under the water fluoridation regulatory framework.

Key updates to the approved forms include:

  • The ability to complete all forms electronically.
  • Forms 4C and 4D - a change to how the concentration of fluoride ion in the fluoride compound is expressed to align with the equations in Appendix 5 of Queensland’s Water Fluoridation Code of Practice (i.e. all equations now express this figure as a percentage, previously some calculation used a percentage and some used a fraction).
  • Removal of form 4E – Daily Record Sheet – Blending – use of an approved form for daily record keeping where a source of water with elevated levels of naturally occurring fluoride is blended with another water source to achieve an water with an optimal level of fluoride is no longer a requirement under the water fluoridation regulatory framework – water providers undertaking this activity are encouraged to utilise their own record keeping systems, or to contact the Queensland Health Water Unit (fluoride@health.qld.gov.au) for advice on recommended record keeping relevant to their specific operational arrangements.

Please note that the use of the approved forms is a requirement under the water fluoridation regulatory framework. As such the next round of quarterly reports, (due by 14 February 2022 – 30 business days after the end of the current quarter) should be submitted using the updated version of Form 5 Notice — Fluoridated Water Quarterly Report (PDF 447 kB) forwarded to fluoride@health.qld.gov.au (alternatively water service providers may opt to submit their quarterly reports via Fluoridated Water Quarterly Report form on Queensland Health’s Local Government Environmental Health Secure Site ). Note that the Water Unit will be contacting fluoridating water service providers directly to ensure they are aware of this requirement.

2. Supply Chain Resilience Initiative Round 2 – for potential manufacturers of treatment chemicals

The Supply Chain Resilience Initiative provides businesses up to $2 million to establish or scale a manufacturing capability or a related activity to address supply chain vulnerabilities for a critical product or input identified in the Sovereign Manufacturing Capability Plan.

Applicants should demonstrate how their project addresses vulnerabilities identified in the Sovereign Manufacturing Capability Plan- external site, including through investment in new equipment, technology, skills and processes.

Successful applicants and projects will contribute to the program’s goals. The program aims to:

  • improve Australia’s resilience to future supply chain shocks
  • facilitate diversification of supply options and increase investment in the economy
  • enable diversification into export markets and reduce reliance on domestic markets
  • improve collaboration between domestic and international manufacturers and suppliers
  • mitigate supply chain risks for critical products
  • enhance visibility and transparency of the supply chain for critical products
  • accelerate digitalisation and deeper integration of technology
  • optimise supply chain performance.

To find out more click here: https://business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/supply-chain-resilience-initiative-round-2

3. WSAA Climate Change Paper Released

WSAA has captured a range of impacts experienced from Climate Change, and their mitigation, adaptation and resilience measures in one place from across the sector.

With this report we:

  • Clearly illustrate the range of climate challenges we face to our stakeholders, shareholders and customers, enabling more informed communication and engagement
  • Share knowledge on leading practice emissions reduction measures so that the industry can increase its Net Zero ambition over time as the policy context evolves – this may lead to WSAA refining the industry’s Climate Change Position Statement
  • Build greater understanding of the trade-offs and complementary actions between emissions reduction, water security and climate adaptation
  • Improve clarity on the water industry’s role in adapting our own businesses to the impacts of climate change, but also in using water for community-wide climate adaptation to ensure regional prosperity
  • Progress from focussing on climate mitigation and adaptation separately, to a whole of business strategic approach to reduce trade-offs and improve complementary actions, such as through investment in green-blue infrastructure
  • Improve understanding of rarely discussed impacts of climate change such as on customers and service standards, health and safety, and financial risk in a water sector specific context
  • Build understanding of the research, policy and regulatory gaps that should be addressed to enable the strongest ambition and most cost effective, whole of community benefit solutions to be adopted in the swiftest timeframe
  • Highlight a continued program of work through the WSAA collective to address some of these gaps

To view the published paper: https://www.wsaa.asn.au/sites/default/files/publication/download/Towards%20Resilience%20WSAA%20Nov%202021.pdf

To view a pre-recorded video from Cate Lamb, UN Global Water Lead talk about the paper and the broader COP26/Race to Zero agenda and beyond: https://vimeo.com/650985070/7dd7b660ef

4. WSAA Water Fueling the Path to a Hydrogen Future paper released

“A hydrogen revolution is gathering pace, with governments and industry bodies announcing a plethora of new hydrogen projects, strategies and policy frameworks.

In the wake of the IPCC Assessment Report 6 and the COP26 global climate conference, the world is fast pivoting towards new, non-fossil-fuel dependent energy sources.

But what does this mean for urban water? Does our industry know enough, or are unanswered questions holding us back?

At this crucial point in time, this paper outlines the basics of hydrogen for the urban water industry, answers some key emerging questions, and points to questions that warrant exploration in the years ahead.”

To view the published paper: https://www.wsaa.asn.au/sites/default/files/publication/download/Water%20fueling%20the%20path%20to%20a%20hydrogen%20future%20Nov%202021.pdf

5. Call for Papers – Livingstone Regional Conference 2022

qldwater is excited to announce our first regional conference for 2022 will be held in Yeppoon, kindly hosted by Livingstone Shire Council on the 24th & 25th of March.

Have you learnt something new that you would like to share? Or partnered with an external business who you could co-present with? We want to know! The call is now open for presentations to fill 20-25 minutes slots.

There will be a conference for Central Queensland Trade Waste Interest Group (CQTWIG) Conference taking place on Thursday 24th March. We will be joining them for a site tour on the afternoon of the 24th March.

Presentations from qldwater members or organisations able to co-present with members will always be prioritised. We aim to make the process as easy as possible: you will need to provide us with a brief outline now and a PowerPoint a couple of days before the event. Please forward your ideas to dcameron@qldwater.com.au.

There will also be a dinner held on the evening of Thursday 24th March.

Sponsorship opportunities are now open for the Livingstone Regional Conference. Please contact Naomi (ncarragher@qldwater.com.au) if you are interested in sponsoring this event.

To view our upcoming events please visit our website: https://qldwater.com.au/upcoming-events

6. Christmas Message

We are still on deck up to 23 December with our offices closed from 24 December to 3 January inclusive. Most staff will be taking a further week off, but our phones and emails will be monitored after the 3rd. If there are any emergency requirements – including assistance/ contacts with other members, please contact Dave or Rob at any time over the break.

It’s been another big year and unfortunately some members are already trying to manage through seasonal flooding challenges. Our small team has had a few dramas with a rare resignation and surprise illness – wishing Dave Scheltinga all the best for a speedy recovery.

To all our members and stakeholders, Merry Christmas. We hope you get the time to relax and have a real break. If you are stuck at work – check out some of the good stuff below collected from various in-person and online events since March 2020.

7. qldwater Resource Library – links to over 70 recorded presentations! 

The qldwater website hosts thousands of documents, and it can be quite challenging to find what you are looking for. To make it easier for our members, we provide an explanation of each of the topics we’ve divided resources into, as well as a list of recordings and presentations from 2021. The list includes links to the presentations where they were provided.

To view the extensive list, please keep scrolling down.

As an alternative, members can use the Library Search function at https://qldwater.com.au/resource-library

Whole of Business

Resources that cover the whole business e.g. management, human resources, planning etc. 

Planning / Management

Asset Management

Human Resource Management

Business Management

Sustainable Services for Regional and Remote Communities

Research & Development

Water Source

Resources that relate to water sources including rivers, dams, bores etc.

Emerging Contaminants

Water Treatment

The Water Treatment topic includes anything that happens at a water treatment plant.

by Murray Thompson (qldwater members access only)

Water Network

The Water Network topic covers anything related to the broader water network outside of the treatment plant, including pipes, pumps, reservoirs etc.


Resources relating to customer service / standards

Automated Metering:

Sewage Treatment

Resources relating to anything that happens at a sewage treatment plant.

Sewerage Network

Resources relating to the broader sewerage network, including pipes and pumps

Recycle / Reuse

Resources relating to the recycle and reuse of water, wastewater, biosolids etc.

COVID19 / Crisis Management

An additional topic to cover resources related to the global pandemic.

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