eFlash #524

eFlash #524

eFlash #524
Date: 24-Feb-2022

In this edition: Livingstone Regional Conference - Registrations Now Open| EOI for Essentials Webinar Topics| New Look for WSAA's Water 360| Next Fundamentals Webinar| SCADA Micro-Credentials - Don't Miss Out| qldwater Footy Tipping 2022 - Kick-off in 3 weeks

1. Livingstone Regional Conference - Registrations Now Open

qldwater is excited to announce registrations are now open for our first regional conference for 2022 to be held in Yeppoon, kindly hosted by Livingstone Shire Council on the 25th of March, with an optional dinner on the evening of the 24th.

qldwater conferences are an informal opportunity for networking, updates on what’s impacting Queensland’s water and sewerage service providers, and technical presentations.

A preliminary version of the program is available on the event website.

 There will be a Central Queensland Trade Waste Interest Group (CQTWIG) Conference taking place on Thursday 24th March.

Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the Livingstone Regional Conference. Please contact Naomi (ncarragher@qldwater.com.au) If you are interested in sponsoring this event.

To view other upcoming events please visit our website: https://qldwater.com.au/upcoming-events

2. EOI for Essentials Webinar Topics

Over the last two years, qldwater has organised a suite of webinars through the Essentials Webinar Series for our members on topics of relevance to the urban water sector. While the initial driver for the webinars was to replace in a small way the industry-wide interaction that was not possible during 2020, we would like the program to continue in a more targeted way… with future webinars to be on topics that we know will be of broad interest to our members.

As reminder, here are the links to the top four most watched webinars of the last year or so: 

Essentials Webinar #20 

Ngukurr Asbestos Cement Main Project, NT by Teng Yik, NT Power and Water Corporation
 Why is it important for water businesses to understand asset criticality? by Moira Zeilinga, Clear Idea 

Essentials Webinar #19 

THM Management in Drinking Water Networks 

A industry workshop and panel session chaired by David Sheehan from Coliban Water in Victoria 

Essentials Webinar #17 

A seven-year major sewer upgrade project by Nadine Story and Noel Ralph from Urban Utilities
 Innovation in asset management by Adjunct Professor Joseph Mathew from the Asset Institute, Australia 

Essentials Webinar #22 

Special Webinar on Progress with COVID Sewage Surveillance by Jochen Mueller, University of Queensland and Dan Deere from Water Futures 

To keep the webinars relevant to you and your interests, we are seeking topics that you would like to see covered in future webinars. To get your input, we’ve created a word cloud that will be open for the next two weeks.

All you need to do it connect using the link below and type in any topic that interests you… the more people that input a topic, the more prominent it becomes.

Direct Link Here to word cloud.

3. New Look for WSAA's Water 360

WSAA has launched a refreshed version of the Water360 website, which provides a useful reference for research and information related to the urban water industry. The website provides links to current and past WSAA research projects, newsletters and latest news and updates from WSAA. 

Check it out here

4. Next Fundamentals Webinar

Register now for our next Fundamentals Webinar on Tuesday, 15 March, 10am-11am, AEST with the topic ‘Presence/Absence of E. Coli Test’, presented by Terry Fagg, Western Downs Regional Council. 

More sessions will be hosted in 2022, keep an eye on our Upcoming Events page for details. 

Recordings of all previous webinars are available to download on the qldwater website. Please contact webinar@qldwater.com.au with any queries about previous or future webinars or to discuss sponsorship opportunities. 

5. SCADA Micro-Credentials - Don't Miss Out

Spots are filling fast for the SCADA Micro-Credentials Course with limited spaces now left available.

We have removed the limit of four participants per organisation as we want to fill all the available spots before our funding from DESBT to offer a subsidy for this course runs out. It will be first in best dress as once all the below spots are filled the DESBT funding has finished for the Micro-Credentials program. 

If you would like to register your employees to do this course, please click here

Please see below available dates:
 Two Full Days Course Dates:

  • Wednesday 20 April & 27 April (7:30am - 4:00pm AEST) – 8 spots available 

 Four x Half Day Course Dates: 

  • Tuesday 19 April, Thursday 21 April, Thursday 28 April & Thursday 5 May (7:30am - 11:30am AEST) - 6 spots available 

Further details are available on the micro-credential website.

 *Please note only Queensland Water Industry employees are eligible for the subsidy. 

6. qldwater Footy Tipping 2022 - Kick-off in 3 weeks

qldwater's NRL and AFL tipping competition is now open for all employees of qldwater members and qldwater Affiliate Members. Keen to see some new competitors - last season proved to be a bit of a challenge for everyone but we are in a new normal and that includes footy every week with no disruptions.*
 *We will not be held to this statement.

There will be a weekly prize for one person who selects the most winners in either NRL or AFL.

Even average tippers get lucky once during the competition and you can tell your colleagues you are a prize-winner even if (like Rob Fearon) you know nothing about Football.

Joining is free, simply go to qldwater Footy Comp 2022 then:

1. Click on the green join button,

2. Refresh your account or create a new one,

3. Choose “qldwater Footy Comp 2022” competition with password “qldwater22!”

4. Enter your preferences and start tipping in the NRL and or AFL.

The rules are simple:

  • Your name must be clearly identifiable 
  • Not tipping in any round will give you a default score (the away teams but with a maximum).
  • Each tipper can choose 3 joker rounds for each NRL and AFL (which doubles your score for that week).
  • 3 Bonus points for tipping all games correctly in a round. 
  • One $30 Visa Gift Card will be awarded each week via email for the week’s best tippers in both NRL and AFL.
  • One $200 Visa Gift Card will be awarded for the season winner in each NRL and AFL after the Grand Final. If two tippers end on the same score then margin scores will determine the ultimate winner.
  • Only employees of members of qldwater and qldwater Affiliates can tip and win prizes. Some qldwater staff participate in the competition but are ineligible for the end of season prize.

Note: If you are re-registering this year and forgot your password, the emails could be sent to your junk inbox. 

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