eFlash #531

eFlash #531

eFlash #531
Date: 20-Apr-2022

In this edition: Opportunity for Service Providers to Assist in Research into the Health Risks Posed by THMs\ Further Correspondence from the Cyber and Infrastructure Security Centre| Work with qldwater – Account Manager Innovation Partnerships| Port Douglas Regional Conference – Register Now| Water Skills Forum 2022 – Register Now

1. Opportunity for Service Providers to Assist in Research into the Health Risks Posed by THMs

Studies conducted overseas in recent years suggest there may be a link between exposure to trihalomethanes (THMs) during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes. However, little research has been done in Australia.

In collaboration with Queensland Health, researchers from the University of Queensland are undertaking a research project to: 

  • determine whether there is a link between THM exposure during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes in Queensland,
  • determine the key factors that lead to high THMs in Australia, and
  • review the current arrangements for responding to elevated levels of THMs.

DWSPs are strongly encouraged to participate in the project as greater participation will help our understanding of the issues and outcomes should inform the implementation of evidence-based decision making for THM risk management and THM incident resolution.

To express your interest in helping, please complete the short one minute survey via the following link: https://uniofqueensland.syd1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7R5N6gMpUG3VQUu.

Any data provided to the researchers will not be used for any other purpose, nor will it be shared with other parties. DWSPs will not be identified and locations will be coded in any papers published as part of the project.

2. Further Correspondence from the Cyber and Infrastructure Security Centre

Below you will find further correspondence received from the Cyber and Infrastructure Security Centre regarding reform to the ‘Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018’.

Correspondence to Industry

Security of Critical Infrastructure (Application) Rules (LIN 22/026) 2022

3. Work with qldwater – Account Manager Innovation Partnerships

Well we don’t really know what to call the job to attract the right people but it’s a rare opportunity for someone with a strong commitment to helping deliver collaborative projects to support an essential services for Queenslanders, delivered by an industry which is great at sharing.

Your stakeholders are water and sewerage service providers across the state, from the largest utilities in the South East to remote councils in the outback.

The Queensland Water Directorate facilitates programs which mean that these providers achieve economies of scope and scale and reduce duplication, costs to their customers and deliver better services for Queensland’s ratepayers. There are lots of exciting examples, perhaps the most significant is the Queensland Water Regional Alliance Program (QWRAP), a partnership between us, the Queensland Government, the Local Government Association of Queensland and nearly 60 participating councils.

The role is what you make it, but it can include some project management – making sure collaborating councils stick to agreed milestones, helping them in sourcing and exchanging information, undertaking research and analysis tasks, and supporting working groups.

The career opportunity is significant – a great chance to build the CV and raise your profile in an industry clamouring for good people.

What we think would be handy attributes to have:

  • Enjoying working with multiple stakeholders and dealing with people. You don’t have to be a confident public speaker, but if you are there will be opportunities. You need to be able to organise and convene a good meeting and you need to be able to communicate clearly and effectively with people from different walks of life.
  • Being able to manage project milestones, analyse and synthesise information for different audiences with good writing skills. Our job is often to take the technical and put it in simple terms for submissions, funding applications and to present to decision makers.
  • Being reasonably technically savvy, or able to pick this up quickly. GIS and database tools would be handy, spreadsheets and PowerPoint are probably essential.
  • Being able to travel within regional Queensland – to be negotiated but typically 10-15 days per year.

There are no minimum specified qualifications, but we are after someone with some years of work experience under their belts. Salary is negotiable to reflect this experience, from around $80,000 per annum upwards.

To apply, please provide a cover letter that outlines how you meet the requirements above along with your resume. Check out the “Programs” tab at https://qldwater.com.au/ for more information.

Please direct any enquiries about the role to dcameron@qldwater.com.au

4. Port Douglas Regional Conference – Register Now!

qldwater is excited to announce registrations are now open for our Port Douglas Regional Conference to be held in Port Douglas, kindly hosted by Douglas Shire Council on the 23rd & 24th May.

There will be a site tour taking place on Monday 23rd May in the early afternoon. Places are limited for the site tour so make sure you get in quickly to secure your spot! 

Following the site tour there will be a network dinner taking place at the Hemingway’s Brewery Port Douglas at 6pm.

The full day conference will take place on Tuesday 24th May at the Port Douglas Community Hall.

qldwater conferences are an informal opportunity for networking, updates on what’s impacting Queensland’s water and sewerage service providers, and technical presentations. 

To see the draft program for the conference, please visit our event website.

There is a Carnivale taking place in Port Douglas over the weekend of the 21st & 22nd of May. Accommodation could be a challenge so please arrange your accommodation as soon as possible.

Thank you to our sponsors Grenof, WAGNERS, GanDen, Royce Water Technology, Simmonds & Bristow, Endress+Hauser, McBerns and Taggle for supporting our upcoming conference.

Please contact Naomi Carragher if you are interested in sponsoring this event.

5. Water Skills Forum 2022 – Register Now

Registrations are now open for the Water Skills Forum to be held on Thursday, 2 June 2022. 

We have managed to keep the same program as advertised earlier in the year with only a couple of minimal change made.

The forum will still proceed as a hybrid event so virtual registrations are available; however, we encourage you to attend the forum in person if you are able.
Graham Fraine, the Director General of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water, has agreed to attend the last session to discuss industry skilling challenges and potential solutions.
The Forum will explore the Lifecycle of a Water Industry Worker, with three half-hour panel sessions exploring possible career paths, from ways to gain interest through pre-vocational opportunities to traineeships, graduate employment and industry co-investment models to entice postgraduate industry research. It also includes a session on a successful transition to retirement model.
The event will also include an “Attraction Hack” for a bit of fun but with a serious intent – to give us useful ideas to build awareness of the great opportunities in our industry. It’s your big chance to get creative and think outside the box.

Thank you to our sponsors TAFE Queensland and Simmonds and Bristow for their support of the upcoming forum.
Whether you can attend in person at our office in Eagle Farm or online, we look forward to welcoming you to the Water Skills Partnership signature annual event.

6. Position Available – Redland City Council

Redlands City Council is currently looking for a Service Manager Network Operations.

To find out more or apply for the positon, click here.

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