eFlash #542

eFlash #542

eFlash #542
Date: 07-Jul-2022

In this edition: AWA QLD Water Awards – Open for Entry!| COVID-19 Vaccinations Event Policy Update| Check out Charters!

1. AWA QLD Water Awards – Open for Entry!

The QLD Water Awards are open for entry! There are several award categories designed to recognise the exceptional achievements organisations and individuals are making to water management in Queensland. Don't miss this opportunity to put your nominations forward and be recognized for achievements!

The QLD Gala Dinner and Awards 2022 will be hosted at Sofitel Brisbane Central on Friday, 9 September. Registration will open prior to August.

2. COVID-19 Vaccinations Event Policy Update

IPWEAQ/qldwater continues to monitor Queensland Health advice in relation to events we hold, and there have been a number of recent relaxations with regards to vaccinations.

We will investigate any venue-specific requirements where our events will be held, and these will be communicated clearly before you register for an event.

For facilities at IPWEAQ/qldwater Eagle Farm office, there are no current restrictions in place, however those who are unwell exhibiting flu or cold like symptoms are requested not to attend events held at this location in the interest of other facility users.

3. Check Out Charters!

qldwater members can now enjoy Mark Harvey’s excellent presentation “The Turbidity Analyser Flatlines when we pass 10,000 NTU” presented at our Charters Towers event late last year. The presentation includes a nice mix of technical challenges around events and a plant upgrade, and we’ve added some video footage of the site tour to the plant and intake the day before.

We’re hoping to do some more of these types of edited talks for future events/ tours - unfortunately it took a bit longer than we’d anticipated to pull it together and it’s not quite as good as being there but pretty cool nonetheless.

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