eFlash #554

eFlash #554

eFlash #554
Date: 14-Oct-2022

In this edition: SWIM 2021/22 Annual Water and Sewerage Data: Complete| Update on IPWEAQ| Current Advocacy/Consultation Activities| Upcoming Fundamentals Webinar – Register Now| WSAA Members Only - Annual WSAA Climate Change, Energy & Environment Network Meeting

1. SWIM 2021/22 Annual Water and Sewerage Data: Complete

Well, a communal sign of relief (and numerous popping champagne corks) was heard across the State on Tuesday 4 October as the annual KPI reporting season came to an end for 2021/22. Over the past couple of months all 72 qldwater members submitted their annual water and sewerage data via SWIM. We thank all the staff out there that spent many hours collating, processing, collecting and entering water and sewerage data. This year every service provider reported on time and the accuracy of data has again improved with recent data checking by qldwater revealing very minimal errors in the submitted data.

All BoM, ABS and NPR data has also been submitted. This is earlier than due, and the same as last year, to give them all time to start their own validation/checking processes before their data finalisation date of October 31.

We will start preliminary work on the qldwater comparative report soon but will await finalisation of the data later in November before publication.

If you have any feedback or suggestions for SWIM and/or the qldwater comparative/benchmarking report, please contact David Scheltinga (dscheltinga@qldwater.com.au) or the qldwater offices.

2. Update on IPWEAQ

IPWEAQ are in the process of recruiting for the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) position.

If you would like to find out more about the position or apply, click here.

IPWEAQ Annual Conference commenced yesterday with the Excellence Awards Dinner held last night at City Hall.

Congratulations to Western Downs Regional Council for winning Employer of the year in the public sector and Logan City Council for winning Innovation and Sustainability in Water for the Australia’s First Biosolids Gasification Facility.

3. Current Advocacy/Consultation Activities

There have been several recent releases of draft/bills which are captured below:

Queensland – Department of Environment and Science

The Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment (EPOLA) Bill has been introduced into parliament. See link for the bill. 

Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (parliament.qld.gov.au)

Consultation through the committee process of parliament. This was only released on 12/10/2022 with qldwater working our way through the details.

Federal – Department of Home Affairs – Cyber and Infrastructure Security Centre.

The Critical Infrastructure risk management program consultation (SOCI) has been released which includes draft risk management program. Submissions on this are due COB Friday 18th

4. Upcoming Fundamentals Webinar – Register Now

Register now to participate in qldwater's next Fundamentals Webinar, to be held on Thursday 10th November, 10am AEST.

This webinar's topic is ‘Inflow & Infiltration' presented by Dominique Keirens, from City of Gold Coast.

Dominique was scheduled to present on this topic at our recent Annual Forum and due to the amount of interest we received about Dominique's presentation we have asked her to present at our next Fundamentals Webinar in November. Register now so you don't miss out!

This will be our last Fundamentals Webinar for 2022. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our presenters who took the time and effort to put together amazing presentations for our members this year. It is greatly appreciated.

If there are topics you would like us to organise as a Fundamentals Webinar, please email webinar@qldwater.com.au with these topics. 

Keep an eye on our Upcoming Events page for details for 2023.

Recordings of all previous webinars are available to view on the qldwater website.

5. WSAA Members Only – Annual WSAA Climate Change, Energy & Environment Network Meeting

If you would like to register to attend WSAA’s Annual Climate Change, Energy & Environment Network meeting, please register at the below link:


Please note there is a cost involved for those who wish to attend in person, however there is no cost for virtual attendees.

You can view a copy of the agenda here.

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