qldwater Blog

eFlash #561

eFlash #561
Date: 03-Feb-2023

In this edition: Message from Interim CEO| Water Industry Snapshot Report Survey

Information for Water Industry Managers and Practitioners in the Queensland Water Industry

(Issue #561 - 18 January 2023)


1. Message from Interim CEO – Linda Roberts

Happy New Year to all our members, stakeholders and partners, hoping that all have managed some quieter times with loved ones and family.  As most of you are aware 2023 will be a rebuilding foundational year for qldwater.  It is expected that the recruitment for the qldwater CEO will commence shortly. 

We look forward to continuing to advocate for the Queensland urban water industry, focusing a lens on the issues and risks facing our sector.  Skills and resourcing, particularly in the operational area continues to a pain point which is a priority for our new Skill Partnership Manager, Neil Holmes. While Dr Louise Reeves is leading the coordination of a submission on the NEMP 3.0 guidelines. Jess Dean has been working on our benchmarking analysis of data and look forward to the insights gained. While David Scheltinga continues to manage all things SWIM. 

The QWRAP program is kicking off again with Water Alliance meetings planned across the state in February, gold star to NQ Water Alliance who is holding the first meeting for the year today.

Although the first few months are quieter for qldwater with events, the program starts in May with the Water Connections Tour week starting Monday 15th May, 2023. A sponsorship prospectus will be coming out shortly identifying opportunities for supporting the events. 

We wish all, a productive and prosperous year in 2023 with limited disruptions whether from natural disasters (wet season in NQ has certainly started!) or ongoing Covid impacts. 

One thing which I do know to be true is that whatever is thrown at a water service provider, it is the dedication of the water teams which ensures that the tap produces water and the toilet flushes.  Raising the profile of our industry and the essential services which is provided should be a priority. We can all play a part in that promotion and I encourage everyone to identify how they can make a difference.


2. For our Skills Partnership members, a reminder about the upcoming Water Industry Snapshot report survey online session this Friday (20/01/23).

A reminder that the latest 2022 Water Industry Snapshot report survey was sent out to members of the Water Skills Partnership on 20th December 2022. All members should have also received a meeting invite scheduled for this Friday 20th January 2023 – 9am to 12 noon.

We have allowed 3 hours for the session but do please note you are not being asked to attend for that length of time – this merely allows any of you to jump in during that time and access the team - we will be available to you for the full 3-hour session to assist with completion of the survey if you have any issues or problems. The intent of that meeting is not to collate your survey results, but to provide help and assistance if needed.

Another gentle reminder that the completed survey should please be emailed to our Skills Partnership Manager, Neil Holmes: nholmes@qldwater.com.au by 3rd February 2023. 

If you (or the designated member of the team) did not receive the documents or invites – or if you would like to receive the survey questionnaire to complete, please contact Neil Holmes on 07 3632 6851 or nholmes@qldwater.com.au 

Kind Regards,


qldwater is a business unit of IPWEAQ

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