qldwater has published a discussion paper outlining critical factors to consider in planning and operating remote water treatment systems using a series of case studies to consider the significant benefits and help manage risks.
The Remote Treatment Plant Operations discussion paper was commissioned to address the needs of qldwater members, especially those operating small and/or remote water and sewerage systems. The paper provides high level information about the risks and benefits of automation and the learnings from the industry experience.
We thank Alan Kleinschmidt for the development of this paper and gratefully acknowledge the input from Peter Mosse, Anthony Lipsys, Jaek Passier, and particularly Terry Fagg for valuable assistance in developing this document.
The paper is now available in the members area of website in our resource library, along with a useful companion document which provides a sample of alarm limits and responses developed for Goulburn Valley Water (and made available with their kind permission) after completing a risk assessment. Members must log in first to access these documents.
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