SWIM Reporting Complete

SWIM Reporting Complete

SWIM Reporting Complete
Date: 05-Oct-2017

SWIM reporting is complete for another year.  Early Tuesday morning (the due date) saw only 36 Service Providers finished but after a busy day a total of 65 SP’s had completed and submitted their annual water and sewerage KPI data to DEWS on time via SWIM.  

This year 90% of Service Providers reported via SWIM which is an increase over last year (81%).

As with all modern technology, there were some last second technical hitches as the deadline approached. One Council’s internet connection went down and they couldn’t synchronise the finalised data through to us. Luckily a persistent ‘SWIM’ staff member and their IT got it sorted just in time. Another Council had saved and finalised all their data but didn’t synchronise it (or close the program down which triggers an auto sync) – so the data wasn’t sent to our SWIM server for dispatch. Fortunately the dedicated SWIM staff member was on the ball and after checking emails from home, managed to go back into work and synchronise the data through. We have put ‘automatic synchronisation’ onto the SWIM to-do list for next year.

If you have any questions regarding SWIM please contact David Scheltinga dscheltinga@qldwater.com.au.

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