Water Skills Forum Well Received

Water Skills Forum Well Received

Water Skills Forum Well Received
Date: 26-Mar-2020

It’s hard to believe we were gathered together only a few weeks ago for the third annual Queensland Water Skills Forum, before COVID-19 really started to have an impact.

Thank you to those who attended the forum and for your contributions to discussions. We had almost 80 people participate in a full day of presentations and workshops and from the feedback so far, the day was very well received. Thank you very much to all of our presenters who were so open in sharing their experiences and insights. Thank you also to our sponsor, TAFE Queensland – SkillsTech for their generous support once again.

All presentations are now available on our website for you to download. Please visit: https://ipweaq.eventsair.com/qwd-water-skills-partnership/agenda.

Feedback from the event and opportunities for collaborative initiatives will be considered by the Water Skills Partnership when it is next able to meet. Please contact Carlie Sargent on 07 3632 6853 if you have any queries.

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