Waterwise Information On Tap

Waterwise Information On Tap

Waterwise Information On Tap
Date: 05-Sep-2017

If the term ‘Waterwise’ conjures up boring images of drab cactus gardens and barren land, then a new campaign developed by the Queensland Water Directorate and the Local Government Association Queensland (LGAQ) aims to change minds - and hopefully behaviours.

The qldwater on tap website and social media toolkit is full of tips, guides and ideas to prove that being waterwise is about more than just saving water.

Waterwise communities understand where their water comes from, how it’s treated, and how best to look after our most crucial resource.

With water security repeatedly being identified as a key issue for regional Queensland communities, water service providers are faced with the conflicting task of increasing revenue to maintain reliable services while also managing demand in an ever-changing landscape (think climate change, increasing or decreasing populations, legislative requirements and the pending infrastructure cliff to name a few).

The highly variable Queensland climate also means that local Councils need to cope with droughts that are often interrupted by devastating floods, and people forget that treated clean water can be scarce during flood events even when they seem to be surrounded by water.

The qldwater on tap campaign aims to teach Queensland communities to value water in times of scarcity, abundance and anywhere in between.

For tips on sunblock for your soil, how to tame your lawn and the cost of a naked pool, head to www.qldwaterontap.com.au.

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